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Badger Watching


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Went out this morning about 1 30, took jill and she caught 3 rabbits, on my travels i saw this big old badger running across this field that i have permission to work rabbits, so thought id take jill home put her to bed and go badger watching, one of my fave pastimes, the sett i watch them at is hard to access, never the less what occured was well worth my wait, for no sooner had i bedded myself down, out they come, i think they actually know me now, but you really have to keep still, break wind and they are off, anyways up come this fantastic animal, and believe me or believe me not, up came this brute of a badger that close to me, i could have stroked it, really did make my morning, summat most folk will never encounter,, but let me tell you this, its a wonderfull experience, and im a lucky man to have this wildlife around me, even this afternoon on my walk i encountered a fox, i will upload in a min, and post, but it was quite a way off, im just hoping i have captured it

keith :cheers:
midlanderkeith said:
Went out this morning about 1 30, took jill and she caught 3 rabbits, on my travels i saw this big old badger running across this field that i have permission to work rabbits, so thought id take jill home put her to bed and go badger watching, one of my fave pastimes, the sett i watch them at is hard to access, never the less what occured was well worth my wait, for no sooner had i bedded myself down, out they come, i think they actually know me now, but you really have to keep still, break wind and they are off, anyways up come this fantastic animal, and believe me or believe me not, up came this brute of a badger that close to me, i could have stroked it, really did make my morning, summat most folk will never encounter,, but let me tell you this, its a wonderfull experience, and im a lucky man to have this wildlife around me, even this afternoon on my walk i encountered a fox, i will upload in a min, and post, but it was quite a way off, im just hoping i have captured it                      keith  :cheers:

here u go, poor pic but it was a long way off, and i hadnt the correct lens on, i believe it was on its way home untill it saw me then turned and ran, you can just about make it out, the gulls are dive bombing it.
midlanderkeith said:
midlanderkeith said:
Went out this morning about 1 30, took jill and she caught 3 rabbits, on my travels i saw this big old badger running across this field that i have permission to work rabbits, so thought id take jill home put her to bed and go badger watching, one of my fave pastimes, the sett i watch them at is hard to access, never the less what occured was well worth my wait, for no sooner had i bedded myself down, out they come, i think they actually know me now, but you really have to keep still, break wind and they are off, anyways up come this fantastic animal, and believe me or believe me not, up came this brute of a badger that close to me, i could have stroked it, really did make my morning, summat most folk will never encounter,, but let me tell you this, its a wonderfull experience, and im a lucky man to have this wildlife around me, even this afternoon on my walk i encountered a fox, i will upload in a min, and post, but it was quite a way off, im just hoping i have captured it                       keith  :cheers:

here u go, poor pic but it was a long way off, and i hadnt the correct lens on, i believe it was on its way home untill it saw me then turned and ran, you can just about make it out, the gulls are dive bombing it.

cropped best i can do im afraid
I too love badgers. When we lived in Seaford on the South Coast we used to feed the badgers that came into our garden every night.

One day my husband noticed some digging from under our garden shed, about 15 feet from our patio doors. After invesigating we discovered that a young male had made his home under there. He lived there for some time.

After a while the badgers that came to visit got so tame that they would actually come indoors through our patio doors into our sitting room and take food from our hands. It was amazing, I do love these beautiful creatures.

Mind you we didn't have all these whippets then, I'm not sure that they would be too thrilled about three or four badgers indoors..... (w00t)
Lucky you Keith, badger watching :thumbsup:

Nice strong fox that one, Keith :thumbsup:

We're overrun with badgers here - always seeing them killed on the lanes :( The farmers won't avoid them because of the amount of TB in the area - they blame it on the badgers. Some of them have closed herds so don't know how else it could get in other than badgers :unsure:
We used to leave an egg out every night for 'our' garden badger, I loved staying up late to catch him collecting it. Also just two night's ago I put some leftover Chinese food out for the Fox; saw him come to inspect it some hours later but he didn't eat much - what does that say?! (w00t)