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Bad encounter at the park


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I took my dog over the local field where we often go. It has a small foot path that goes straight into a main road. My dog has good recall so I don't worry about the road. This morning there was a man walking a dog. I always keep mine on the lead until I see who is over there of there is a dog on a lead I don't let her off because nine times out of ten it means they are not friendly. This mans dog was off the lead so I let mine off. My dog went over to say hello and his dog ran off the field into the main road. I called my dog back and she came immediately so I put her back on the lead I follwed the man to try and help him get his dog but he was yelling at me that I should keep my dog under control and that his dog has no road sense. He was screaming at he dog to try and get it to come back but it want listening as he kept screaming at me too I decided that me trying to help was probably going to make the situation worse. Every other dog that goes to the field all play nicely say hello then do their own thing. I personally wouldn't let my dog off it had bad recall and access to a road but the guy was blaming me and shouting and left me feeling quite shaken. Was this incident my fault? It was like his dog got over excited and just ran off. I feel bad and hope he got his dog back safely. I think he lives near me somewhere and I'm worried if I see him he will start shouting at me again
I think he was probably just really concerned about his dog and got stressed. Even with good recall training an over excited dog can sometimes go a bit crazy. I'd say try not to fret it was your fault. If his dog wasn't trained well he maybe shouldn't be letting it off lead where other dogs are or where there's a road. Hopefully he got his dog back safely and he has learned from the experience. If the man is there next time just keep yours on lead until you're away from him but his dog is his responsibility and as distressing as it is he shouldn't be taking it out on you. You tried to help. I'm guessing he was just very scared his dog would come to harm and calmed down once the dog was back on his lead.