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Bad breath


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Hello everyone,

Lennon is a 3/4 cav, 1/4 springer. He's 5 months old now and 'teething'. I read that the no 1 cause for puppy bad breath is 'teething'. I'm not overly worried, he doesn't look in any discomfort and I do keep an eye on this. But I'd be interested in the views and experiences of anyone kind enough to share.

Thank you

I got mine some peppermint puppy treats, to freshen his breath when he was teething (I still use them now!!!)

Or a dental chew that has whatever it is that they put in them to combat bad breath.

Another you can do, is actually brush your dogs teeth. You can get the proper brush and toothpaste from pets at home or whatever pet store is local to you. Do this once a day, to help with the bad breath!

Your pooch will be minty fresh in no time!

Sophie x
Hello again Sophie

Thanks for your good advice. So you do know about puppy bad breath when teething? I wasn't 100% it was that. Part of me is always hoping not to have to take him to see the vet. Not that I dislike doctors or anything...

And Lennon is a good boy for letting me clean his muddy paws and check his teeth daily.

On another subject Sophie, I followed your advice and bought a special feeding bowl for Lennon. I'll start reducing his feeds in a month and I'm not sure the muffin tray will suffice.


You're welcome.

The best thing to do is wait until all his teeth are through and then see how his breath is then. If it is still bad a few weeks after all his teeth are through then do take him to the vets, but to be honest brushing his teeth will be the best way to combat the bad breath, now and once all his adult teeth are through.

So is the bowl not working for you then Melanie? Which one did you buy?

And without trying to sound patronizing at all (sorry if I do but it is not intended that way and to be honest you probably already know this!), you need to reduce your dogs food to 2 meals a day once he gets to 6 months, plus he will also need to be put onto adult food too. if you look to buy some adult food soon and then in the next couple of weeks start to incorporate the adult food into his puppy food so by the time he is 6-7 months he will be on 100% adult food.

When Bear got a little podgy at 7 months old I couldn't figure out why and it was because no one had told me the above info and he was still on puppy food with 3 meals a day! Ooops!

Instant diet for Bear once I had found that out! lol

Sophie x
I haven't received the bowl yet, I'm still using my muffin tray, it works because he still has 3 meals a day so it doesn't get very full. It's called 'Interactive mini small dog and puppy slow feed bloat non slip feeder bowl', I got it for less than £5 on Amazon.

It's pink but I don't think he'll mind too much.

Don't worry about sounding patronising, because I've never taken care of a puppy before and rather than learning the hard way, I'm more the type to learn from others. I'll take your expertise on board...

Brush the teeth... tick... Incorporate gradually the adult food... tick... Adult food 3 times a day... tick... (just joking)

No doubt I'll be back for some good advice, until then, thanks again.

Does Lennon have some hard chew material to use to break his teeth in through his gums when they're hurting? Bushwack/paddywack (dried cartilage), deer antler, Nylabones or any of the other really hard chews that you can take off him, clean properly and give back should accelerate his teeth coming through and get him back to having strong gums and less smelly breath quickly.
Ooooooo yes I'm with Eingana on this one! Deer Antlers are brilliant!!! Bear loves them. A little pricey but as yours is still a pup it will take him forever to get through! Plus they barely leave any mess on the floor too which is always good!

Sophie x
I got him a Nylabone (chicken flavour!) which he has barely touched. Lennon doesn't chew that much for a puppy, except for a rubber ball with inward spikes ment to clean the teeth (from France) pic. attached

What he does a lot is use grass and twigs in ripping movement to get rid of wobbling teeth I'm guessing.

These days I'm finding teeth in his bedding and when playing outside with him and the kids I see teeth flying out of his mouth... poor thing.

I'll keep those ideas in mind for when I come across in shops.

I also came across a recipe using natural yogurt, mint and parsley that you freeze in cubes. He might like that. With brushing the teeth, he'll love the attention for sure.

Thanks for interest

