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Backwards Ears


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I think Forrest ears are going to stay stuck on backwards now as hes 15 months but he looks good in them lol
He does look good like that Wendy and you'll always know he's yours :D

Our Bandit does it he looks like he has bull horns when he does it but he does carry his ears properly too
Forrest are eather forward or stuck out at theside they dont go back his sister Darcey can put her back properly but tends not to. itsa good job there not show dogs lol
I'm sorry...but he is simply adorable with those ears!!!
He's gorgeous.............. because of, not in spite of, his ears :wub: :wub:
I think he is gorgeous and I just love his ears :wub:
Toddy hardly ever puts his ears down. He looks like an inquisitive fruit bat most of the time! :p :p :p

I think Forrest is georgous, his ears just make hime a little more special :wub: