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Back At School

haven't the summer hoildays gone fast? mine went back yesterday,lees 1st day at high school only there for 4 hrs & samantha for 3, so 1st full day today.i must admit i had a tear in my eye when lee started yesterday, my little baby all grown up :(
Well Jordan goes back tomorrow(Primary) and I went back yesterday,(secondary) teacher training yesterday, year 7 today and the whole lot back tomorrow (w00t) the holiday have flown I agree :eek:
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I was back yesterday for training and met the whole school for the first time today. My little y7s were adorable, but so full of energy. Can they bottle it cos I'm shattered!
Same for me, except I didnt have any year 7 lessons today so start in ernest tommorow. New uniform this year so they were all looking very smart. I'll be fine when I get going just seems like SO much work to do already LoL (and I miss seeing Chyppe :( )
well im pleased they are going back tomorrow, i think mine are getting a bit bored now.

liberty goes into her final year at school :thumbsup:

betsy goes into year 4, and is very unhappy as she doesnt like the new teacher she will have :(

and little bill, goes to nursery for another term, and then up to big school after xmas...........hes having problems waiting :- "

and i...................get some peace and quiet (w00t)
my eldist start senior school today. I dont know who was more nervous him or me. Kept looking at the clock and wondering what he was doing. :lol: My daughter goes back tomorow (inset day) they had 6 weeks off and then have inset day :wacko:
hope your son enjoyed his first day at school sharron :thumbsup:

cracks me up that they have inset days after six weeks off :wacko:
My youngest starts high school tomorrow. It will be just year 7 & 10 in. The rest of the school goes back on Thursday. My eldest will be in Year 9.

Monday and Tuesday were inset days.