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john m

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In the report of the A.G.M. in W/News under any other Business it was stated that Tony Cooper ask for a £5 levy to pay for improvements to the running ground, Sand pit and to improve the traps. Tony ask for money to improve the running ground and the finishing area ( sand pit ) but at no time did he mention the money was for the repair to the traps, indeed this item was mentioned and passed at the AGM the year before and Money that was supposed to pay for this was left in the Bank. All money gathered in on extra payment for membership fees should go to the improvement of the running ground. There is already enough money in the coffers to pay for the new and promised aluminium fronts to be put on the scratch traps.
so as i understand it ...any club needing funds that are bwra registered can ask and get money to ie:do repairs ect?

YES! (perhaps the chairman of the BWRA has to run at said club though)
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good answer tony maybe your right

amen :D
This is getting silly now. Everyone has thier own understanding of what was said at the a.g.m. But this is not what I heard.

Alot of folk race at this club not just the B.W.R.A. chairman. Nome of whom asked for this money.

As for the trap fronts the year before it was said that the cost would be looked into. And the work carried out as and when it could be afforded. Neither the club or the committee asked for money at the last A.G.M.
I agree tan that the chairman did not ask for this money to be collected in any way what so ever. Ask Tony Cooper what was ask for and he will tell you, he always speaks his mind and tells the truth as he see's it. Dee, the idea of getting a grant from the B.W.R.A. was in order as this is what the B.W.R.A. was set up for all those years ago. There main concern was for the local clubs, infact they only used to run one race meeting per year and that was the championships, all other races run under the B.W.R.A. was at a regional level, and the B.W.R.A. main body used to give grants to the regions to run those events.
to my reply on this thread ....sorry mr chairman sir i was only yoking :D