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I have just listened to our local news and I am absoloutely horrified to have heard that 10 greyhounds have been tragically killed in a very deliberate arson attack on a greyhound kennel in Armagh (over here in Northern Ireland) apparently the dogs were worth thousands of pounds (though that's irrelevant,they are still dogs no matter what their value) as their peds contained some of the top racing lines,the man who owned the kennel and the dogs is left with 2 remaining greys both of whom have inhaled so much smoke that their lungs will never be right again & therefore they wont be able to race,again in the grand scale of things he is lucky to have any dogs alive at all but this was this mans livelihood...anyhow,he is thinking that the kennel was torched by "sabs" as quite a few of the dogs were involved in legal coursing in Southern Ireland last year & his belief is as I am certain most sane peoples belief would be...why would anyone in their right mind want to hurt & in this case kill dogs??? So he is thinking along the lines of it being done to make a stand/point about the involvement of his dogs & himself in coursing (but bear in mind it is perfectly legal in the South of Ireland) If this has been done by sabs..what on earth did they hope to achieve by this? Other than the murder of 10 dogs.... I simply cannot get my head around anyone wanting to inflict this type of agony on any living creature let alone some person or persons who are supposedly "pro-animal"? They showed pics of the poor dogs (they were'nt actually burnt they died from smoke inhalation) & I know I felt sickened to think that this was done deliberatley,and they were'nt my dogs,so goodness only knows how the owner must be feeling! I must say he conducted himself extremely well on live TV,I'm not that sure that I could've conducted myself with quite so much decorum or have been quite so "together" & polite,I was on the verge of ranting at the TV as it was!! :angry:
That's just awful, those poor poor dogs. No matter what your opinions of coursing there is no way any sane person could do such a thing, especially someone claiming to have animal welfare at heart. Truly shameful :rant:
That is so aweful.... :( :( what person would stoop so low...
madness :( smoke inhalation is a horrific way to die, the distress those poor animals must have gone through :( i hope they catch whoever did this and string them up!
Stringing the ones up who done this is to good for them how would they feel if it were ther dogs dogs cant answer back lets hope they dont come back to get the other 2 we hope they get them and punish them first handput a match see how they feel to us they are just scum
whoever did such an inhumane act must be the lowest of the low! :angry: