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At This Moment


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There occasionally comes a time when all the hounds are asleep at once and there is peace and harmony throughout the house - This particular moment is one of those.

It comes to mind something I have noticed in our pack and I have seen it mentioned from time to time on any one of the several whippet lists.

I often wonder just how do whippets "pick their spot" and are they consistant or is it "just as the mood strikes them" at the moment. What untold mystery goes through their minds as they sniff, look and wonder about looking for just the right resting place for their ultimate comfort.

By my observation it seldom is "random" and seems to be quite deliberate. Each will decide just the right place and according to the order of all things dog, that will be their resting place for the moment. There seems to be favorite places for each. And then there are the inexplicatable switches during the resting periods. One of them or several will arise, shake, stretch and seek out the next "most comfortable" location on which to continue their slumbers. It seems to matter whether its during the bright light of the day or the darkest nights. It just continues the same routine time after time.

One of our crew prefers a crate, any crate will do but the bedding must be arranged just so and it seems to me that he gets agitated if anyone of them has been disturbed since his last visit and so must be rearranged. He is very precise just which piece of bedding is where and will go to great lengths to pick it up in his mouth, place it and then tamp it down with his nose - try it out then arrange the next piece. I have seen him take a blanket out of the crate, arrange the rest and then take the piece back and arrange it before settling in for his snooze. His best dreams are when he has thus decided on his resting place.

Another is what I would describe as a "hider" for want of better word. Any place is a good place as long as there is something to get under completely, or if that is not possible to bury her head under something. One will lay only where there are other whippets to put her head on. She does not allow any other dog to put their head on her and she does enforce that ban. She will allow any of the others to snuggle in any position except "no head overs". Another is a "head in" and will lay with her head against the back of the chair, couch, wall while others consistently take the "head out" position.

Two of the pups will constantly wallow their bedding until it is twisted all together and in a great lump and will lay their head on the "pillow" they have so precisely fabricated.

The two male pups just don't seem to care. They just plop down where the mood strikes them whether on the floor, couch, bed or chair with no regard to where or whom their fanny may land. Its nap time and this is where I got sleepy is their choice. Only one thing is for certain, they must rest their head on another.

So, in conclusion, I surmise they do have a preferred resting place. Comfort is a premium and they generally prefer the close company of companions of either their own kind or of the human nature. In addition they generally like to have a soft warm pillow for maximum comfort.

There occasionally comes a time when all the hounds are asleep at once and there is peace and harmony throughout the house
A treasured time indeed :wub:

For whilst I love my gang dearly it is wonderful to experience that ultimate feeling of peace and stillness, albeit for only a short while :lol:

......... mine all have differing sleeping habits and selective comfort zones too :D - a definite pecking order exists :thumbsup:
They just plop down where the mood strikes them whether on the floor, couch, bed or chair with no regard to where or whom their fanny may land.

Love your description of bliss! But you have to tell me what 'fanny' means in the USA? Not sure if it has the same meaning as it does here in the UK :lol: :lol: :lol:
"They just plop down where the mood strikes them whether on the floor, couch, bed or chair with no regard to where or whom their fanny may land."
Love your description of bliss! But you have to tell me what 'fanny' means in the USA? Not sure if it has the same meaning as it does here in the UK :lol: :lol: :lol:
"They just plop down where the mood strikes them whether on the floor, couch, bed or chair with no regard to where or whom their fanny may land."
Love your description of bliss! But you have to tell me what 'fanny' means in the USA? Not sure if it has the same meaning as it does here in the UK :lol: :lol: :lol:
that would be their butt - rear end - hind quarters - the end where their tail is attached <G>

"They just plop down where the mood strikes them whether on the floor, couch, bed or chair with no regard to where or whom their fanny may land."
Love your description of bliss! But you have to tell me what 'fanny' means in the USA? Not sure if it has the same meaning as it does here in the UK :lol: :lol: :lol:
that would be their butt - rear end - hind quarters - the end where their tail is attached <G>

Oh I see. It does mean something else here, but can't bring myself to type it! It's not offensive, just a female body part! I'm sorry it's got me giddy :lol: :p :lol:

I used to love relaxing at the end of the day with Tina and Diva crashed out asleep on their beds.....such a satisfying feeling knowing that the dogs have had a good day with enough exercise to keep them happy and chilled out :wub:
One of mine definitely picks his spot, and has done since puppyhood. These pics were taken on holiday two years ago ...



... and as I type he's across the room in the equivalent spot on the sofa here ... one of his aliases is Sofa Wrecker :lol:

Tyg's favourite sleeping place on the other hand is anywhere within 2" of me ... for preference my lap !