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Ash And Hector, Best Of Mates

Dr B

New Member
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We have had Hector less than a week and as you can see he and Ash get on like a house on fire. He is still wary of other dogs in the park but he is doing really well. I'm really proud of Ash too because he guards Hector when he starts to stress over other dogs, doesn't complain when Hector takes his favorite seat on the sofa and even shares his bone! It must be love! :wub:

Ali and the Boys xx


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That just proves the point that one Whippet is never enough. They look very settled together.
I'm just so chuffed for you Ali :D Can't wait to do the follow up visit and be Ashed again and Hectored !
Lovely to see... :thumbsup: now you have a pair of whippets..wonder if you will stop there.. :teehee:
What a lovely sight and a happy ending, a forever family, friend and sofa - wonderful. :thumbsup:
Great to see :thumbsup:
Awwww, it's great to see them getting on so well so quickly :wub: :wub: :thumbsup:
Hector looks so comfy - how lovely that he has a new best friend forever :wub:
Lovely to see... :thumbsup: now you have a pair of whippets..wonder if you will stop there.. :teehee:
What, like us you mean? :- :- :lol: - its brilliant to see them both together :thumbsup: