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My elderly retriever has suddenly developed what looks like arthritis
in one of her front legs which makes walking difficult.

The vet is reluctant to do anything because of her age (16) so I wonder
if anyone knows of anything that I can do to help her?

Thank you, John
Hi John,

Oh the poor girl - old age sucks!

You could try @John DGP - They sell herbal arthritis tablets. They're on our directory and you can read more about them here: dog-gone-pain this may be an option for you!
My elderly retriever has suddenly developed what looks like arthritis
in one of her front legs which makes walking difficult.

The vet is reluctant to do anything because of her age (16) so I wonder
if anyone knows of anything that I can do to help her?

Thank you, John
can you see any deformities in the leg its self? if so please send a picture... but in the mean time try the vets as they can give her an injection I believe its called Cartrophen Vet. it provides relief from pain and the vets can give recommendations on your dog. hope your dog feels better :)
I've no experience of this, but I'd have thought that her age meant that you don't really need to worry about long-term side effects. If painkillers would give her several more months of being able to enjoy life but then lead to (say) kidney failure, to my mind that's much better than her living even longer but being in pain every day. So unless you already have, do consider discussing with your vet the balance between quality and quantity of life.