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Are dogs really like their owners?


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Oliver calls us the 'Labradors' and the more I think about it, the more I realise how similar we are!

We both LOVE food
We both Malt ...... a lot
We both like our afternoon naps
We both have brown eyes
We both dribble a bit (Only when we see something super tasty!)

Are you like your dog? Or is your dog like you?


My Dog(s) loves me and i love my Dog(S) to the core :p:D

if U aren't at least somewhat like yer dog in personality, U won't get along very well, IME. :oops:

for instance, if U're a sociable, outgoing sheila or fella, U like to get out & mingle, visit friends & family, & have them in to visit U, & yer dog's a grumpy homebody who'd prefer to be a hermit, neither of U will be thrilled with one another!
There needs to be some commonality - U can be unathletic & have a running fool for a dog, so long as U provide the dog with opportunities to romp, especially with other dogs or given a hobby [fetch on a flight of stairs works well], but if U're a professional couch-potato & U get a working-lines BC or BSD-Mal, U just screwed up.
U'll have to hire someone to get the ya-yas outta yer dog, every other day! :eek:

My Basset / Dachs cross, Beau, was a collector of new ppl all his life; i didn't get him "for me", i got him as a future therapy-pet, & he was brilliant at it. // Total strangers would comment that he wasn't my dog, was he?... Was he lost? - because out in public, he played to the passing crowd, & i was just audience. :p
He had a job he was born for, & i was just the facilitator - his manager, his agent, his chauffeur.

- terry

Í think Murphy and I are suited. Pretty laid back at home we both enjoy the outdoors life don't mind getting cold, wet, or muddy.
Both are friendly but not overkeen on too much social interaction a quick 'hallo,nice day ' and then getting on with our own agenda suits us fine.
Both of us prefer the casual look rather than the fussy up do's and constant grooming of some.
We would both defend those we love tooth and nail.

Yes I think we are pretty much on the same track.