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Strike Whippets

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Congratulation's to Archie who cleared for racing today :D ......Well done :cheers: .......Also to Star who ran with "The Twit" and who won't be far behind Archie in clearing :thumbsup:
Great news Joanna and Rae and WELL DONE to ARCHIE and to STAR, not far behind. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :cheers:
Congratulations Jo & Archie :cheers:

Your turn next Rae & Star :thumbsup:
[SIZE=21pt]Hurray!!!! [/SIZE]Well done Archie, really looking forward to seeing you race... :cheers:
[SIZE=21pt]Well Done Archie [/SIZE]

He really loves it doesn't he. I watched him coming out of the traps today and he was smiling every time :wub: He was a real pleasure to watch. :D

I was really pleased with Star today - first time out of an open trap and racing with 'The Twit' :wub: - you'd think she would be tired but no - still enough energy to run the legs off a deerhound we met in the woods when we got home. :wacko:

Thanks to everyone at SCWRC for their help and support - I'm so proud to see my lot tearing up the track after the lure :wub: :D 8) Sorry that Vader is so noisy he's just excited :D :- " I'll bring some Anadin next time :lol:
Archie is knackered!

Thanks so much for all the help and support to all!

We are chuffed to bits, and Archie is done in with nervous energy.

Forgive me for the late post, but we are having crashing computer problems :(

:cheers: [SIZE=14pt] WELL DONE ARCHIE :cheers: [/SIZE]

Have a well earned rest :thumbsup: :p :thumbsup:

Well done Archie - next step passport, and then perhaps we will see you at some of the opens? ;) Good luck :luck:
:cheers: [SIZE=14pt]WELL DONE ARCHIE[/SIZE] :cheers:
Thanks all...........

I don't think he'll make the passport stage, despite the diet and excercise he is looking good, but still weighs 35 lbs :(
Really pleased to here about Archie's clearing trails Joanna - Congratulations :thumbsup:

Also a big well done to Rae and Star :D
Joanna said:
Thanks all...........I don't think he'll make the passport stage, despite the diet and excercise he is looking good, but still weighs 35 lbs :(

He (as well as other's) is a pedigree Whippet who now race's ........I personally think that our "pedigree racing Whippet club's" should allow and make provision's for the larger Whippet as these type's were one of the reason's that pedigree Whippet racing club's were set up :thumbsup: ..........Now all we are waiting for is Star to clear, plus there are a few more in the pipe line.........and then we need Bean back and then the fun (just like Whippet racing is supposed to be) will begin ..........note to one self to order some more rosette's :cheers:
Joanna said:
Thanks all...........I don't think he'll make the passport stage, despite the diet and excercise he is looking good, but still weighs 35 lbs :(

35lbs - prthhh - he's a light weight! (w00t) :b :- "

I forgot to tell you Jo - but on Sunday someone asked me if Archie had lost weight because he looked much leaner. :D :thumbsup: All the hard work is noticeable.

I'm still thinking of his lovely little face 'smiling' as it came out of the traps :wub: He's such a professional now. :wub:

It would be great to race in some opens - especially Taunton Polo Ground since it's only 3 miles away from here!
GREAT NEWS ARCHIE :thumbsup: well done lad :cheers: :cheers:

Caz x
He (as well as other's) is a pedigree Whippet who now race's ........I personally think that our "pedigree racing Whippet club's" should allow and make provision's for the larger Whippet as these type's were one of the reason's that pedigree Whippet racing club's were set up  ..........Now all we are waiting for is Star to clear, plus there are a few more in the pipe line.........
Didn't the maximum weight already go up from 30lbs to 32lbs in recent years? :lol:

I remember selling a pup from my first show-bred litter to a lady as a pet, who then discovered whippet racing and wanted to race him. Unfortunately at 36lbs and 23" at the shoulder he was a tad too big :D She then discovered racing at Woking, took him and he loved it. She gave him my kennel name as a racing name (Wishingstar) and had a LOT of fun racing him. He was a lovely, albeit huge dog and I'm glad she managed to find a niche for him. But lines have to be drawn somewhere - in the case of peddies it is 32lb.

Archie is obviously enjoying himself - you can be sure that HE doesn't know there are limits :)

On an aside ... does the WCRA allow names to be used more than once? It's just that I remember Dave Odell's Star very well ... 14lb wringing wet - she was the first racing whippet I ever saw and I was gob-smacked that something so waif-like could actually run!
I wasn't asking for Archie to be passported (and nor do I think that the height/weight allowence should be upped :) ) but.......... I just think we are a pedigree Whippet racing club yet we are excluding pedigree Whippet's from racing :blink: .......I think most pedigree club's could/should make allowence's for the larger Whippet at CLUB level ........We will be starting an over sized class at South Cotswold's as I see there is a need for this, but this is just my own personal opinon :thumbsup: ......

I think that the WCRA refuse's a racing name if it is the same as a past Champion (may be wrong though (w00t) ).......BTW Star is this Star's pet name :lol:
We are looking forward to Archie competing with larger whips for fun. Despite him being show-bred, he LOVES it. It would be a shame for him to have to trial forever. We would probably get fed up too. It would do no harm for the WRCA to acknowledge whoppets and officially introduce a weight category to include them. Perhaps 32-38 lbs with no height restriction would cover most aspects of the show bred whip! What fun we would all have........we could also provide more support at opens (and wine!!!!!)
IanGerman said:
On an aside ... does the WCRA allow names to be used more than once?  It's just that I remember Dave Odell's Star very well ... 14lb wringing wet - she was the first racing whippet I ever saw and I was gob-smacked that something so waif-like could actually run!
Racing names are allowed to be re-used after 16 years (presumably thats 16 years from the date the passport was issued). If a dog becomes a champion though, the name is never allowed to be re-used.
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I think that making provisions for the bigger show-bred dog at club level is a great idea. It encourages new owners with show-breds to start racing and we all know that that leads to getting another whippet, only next time round its usually a race bred. :D

I don't think classes at the opens would be such a great idea though. The weight and height limits were originally put in place to discourage the breeding of bigger and bigger whippets. The heavier weight groups are smaller already. If the WCRA didn't have a limit it would just enable a very big, slow dog to become a racing champion. Either that or a smaller race bred could go up a weight class and win easily against virtully no competition.

Come to think of it, it would be a bit like having show classes especially for dogs that don't conform to the standard. That way a bad show dog could get to be a show champion :lol: (there might be loads of competition though :) )

Anyway, it would kind of devalue the title don't you think ?