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Jan Doherty

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I forgot it was Archies Birthday iin January and he was 14 years old.

He was my first Iggie. In his time he won a lot at shows including a CC. He is a grumpy old git but a very affectionate old boy at the same time.

So heres to Archie who will out live us all.


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Aw, how could you forget his birthday! Happy Birthday Archie you handsome little chap ! :))
happy belated birthday to the handsome archie :wub:
Oh Jan you are such a naughty mummy forgetting his birthday for this long I hope he has been extra spoilt to make up for it.

Belated Happy Birthday Archie
I only remembered because I had to take George to the vets yesterday and realised that he is 13 at the end of May and we were discussing Archie outliving us all.

George appears to be having small strokes occassionally. His neck and spine had gone into spasm but after a big shot of valium (w00t) is feeling a lot better thank you and is coming on our walk today.
Happy Birthday to Archie...gorgeous boy :wub: :wub:

and Feel Better soon George... :huggles:
Happy Belated Birthday Archie, what a gorgeous boy! :wub:
Happy Birthday Archie, at your age your allowed to be a bit grumpy
Unfortunately hes not just grumpy but a bit senile as well as deaf now. I lost him for a short time on a walk in the week so his belated birthday present will be a bell for his collar. He always walks behind me with Grumpy George so it wasnt until I turned around to walk back that I realised he was missing. Well he says he wasnt missing, he says he was just checking out the woods for rabbits and the fact that he was heading out across the field was just to see what was on the other side. :wacko: