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As some of you guys know, Rox suffers with allergies, she was prescribed Apoquel tablets in November and she's been on them since.
After the initial period of having two tablets per day for a week, I reduced it to one per day for a further 4 weeks and the vet was very honest and helpful in saying that I could reduce it to one every other day, or every third day to reduce costs and it still be effective so I did reduce it to every other day.
I have to say her skin has really improved since she's been on this, however I have researched it online and have scared myself with the scary long term side effects. Due to it working by dampening the immune system, there is an increased risk of infections and other issues such as lumps (possibly including cancerous ones I believe).
So far the only side effect she's had is drinking a bit more, but it's not been very long.
So now I'm faced with a really difficult decision, do I carry on with the tablets despite the risks?
Or do I finish the pack and then speak to the vet about my concerns and choose allergy testing instead? (Although results with those can be unreliable/inacurrate so unsure if I'd want to do that).
Or do I try to treat her at home with herbal remedies etc.? ....I had been trying this way before the apoquel but when she'd have her bad flare ups it was really awful to see and I hate seeing her so uncomfortable! Here was her last bad flare up, armpits were the worst....

She's 7 and a half now so hopefully she's still got many years left in her, I don't want her spending those years in discomfort, help!
Does anyone else have experience with apoquel? Anyone's dogs been on it long term?
Hi there ...Murphy also has apoquel. I have to say I did read all about the possible dangers but then if you read the long term effects of anything from asprin to cough mixture its scarey so I take it with a pinch of salt.

Murphy reduced from the more powerful dose to the 5.4 mg one a day one every two days then half every two days and I have now got him to the point we know what triggers his allergies (beef and grass cutting) so we can use it only as and when we know a trigger is coming.. Thats grass cutting in his case. Hes been taking it since last spring although as I said he hasnt been taking it all the time. All I can say is that long term who knows but in the meantime life is bearable for him and us and I have to say quality of life is what counts and rubbing his eyes and chin until they bleed is not quality of life, so apoquel it is.

For us its been the middle road choosing to A/identify the triggers and B/ use the pills when needed as any flare up can be calmed within 24-36 hours.
Knowing the risks is good as it does mean you know what to look for and what the warning signs are. But the end choice is yours and yours alone, you must do what you feel is best for you and Rox.
Thank you for that, you've made me feel better already!
I'm glad it's working for Murphy and that you've found out what his triggers are (how did you go about doing that by the way, how did you know it was those two things?)
I'm considering changing her food again as well, because although she's much improved, there is still room for more improvement. I'm thinking of going with one with rabbit or something she hasn't had much of before.
Conveniently she has her booster due around about when this batch of tablets will run out so I'll speak to my vet about it then.
@Jack-Russell-Lover , we kept a diary noting down each food and each walk where we had been and if anything changed. We tried a hypoallergenic food from the DA but Murphy refused to eat it for 3 days! I couldnt let him starve so people here recommended one protien at a time which is how we worked out that beef and we thought chicken were the baddies...Turns out chicken is fine in smaller amounts and without skin/fat.
By keeping the diary we quickly noticed that each bad attack came within 24 hours of the council cutting the grass at the park. Once we had that information we talked to the vet he said we could try doing expensive tests to confirm or do it ourselves by only treating if we saw grass cutting and stopping after 3 days which we did and it works like a charm.
When I had the allergy tests done on Spike they were covered by his insurance, don’t know if you have Roxy insured? Just a thought, does her harness go anywhere near where the rash is if it does wash it or any bedding that would go near there and check if the washing powder/liquid could be to blame, we can’t use Daz or Ariel washing powder/liquid with Spike but luckily enough he’s fine with Aldi’s which is a lot cheaper.
Thanks for that, the vet did suggest keeping a diary and I will, when I get round to it! I kept forgetting to get one of the many notebooks out to use for it! I will try to remember later.

Janer I have already addressed the possibility of the harness rubbing her armpits by getting a new one and I only use a gentle detergent designed for dog bedding. :)