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Anyone know how to cure disgusting smells?


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So, charm itself AKA Teddy decided it would be lovely to find a long-dead rabbit carcass at the beach today and run around with it. He's had a bath and his teeth cleaned but his breath still smells of it. It's quite disgusting. Any ideas how to rid? I've got a dental fluid thing that you add to water that supposedly freshens breath already... I can tolerate the horsepoo fetish but this is something else.
Oh no! I can’t offer any help I’m afraid but I can offer sympathy as a group of dogs I was walking decided to play tug of war with a dead rabbit :eek::eek:
I think I could have coped if it was recently dead. But this thing was a slimy skin of a rabbit. And I can't forget the smell!!
Oh gross - Harri once ate a mouse in a similar state of decay. It reappeared on my sitting room carpet some hours later.

Just as well we love them isn't it!

is it mostly internal [breath, gassy bowels]?
Or some inside & more outside?

- spearmint or mint-extract in his water bowl
2 to 3 drops to a quart of plain fresh water of NATURAL mint-extract, used in baking.

- ginger-biscuits or ginger-nuts
1 or 2 small ones, given in bits [not the whole thing at once].

- plain or vanilla organic yogurt [helps him digest & excrete it]

- Skunk scent remover
Assemble the ingredients
* 3% 1st-Aid strength hydrogen peroxide, 1 Qt [or liter]
* 1/4 C baking soda [Sodium bicarbonate] - [use 1/3 C per liter]
* 1 teaspoon unscented shampoo or body-wash, or dish-liquid [1 + 1/3 tsp per L]

Buy a brand-new, never-opened bottle of H2O2.
Have the dog already in the tub, & wet-down to the skin with tepid / gently warm water.
Combine all in an OPEN container - it will EXPLODE if contained or capped!, so use a plastic tub or enamel bowl or heavy glass bowl, such as oven-proof glass. Liquid soap / shampoo 1st, then the powdered bkg-soda, & last, the H2O2 - pour down the side, all the way 'round, not directly into a heap of soda, & swirl gently to mix it.
Wearing latex, nitrile, or laetrile disposable-gloves, or elbow-length dishwashing gloves, scoop up the madly-bubbling mixture with a plastic measuring-scoop, & work it into the stinky areas, clear to the skin, with yer gloved fingers.
DO NOT get near the dog's eyes!, nor mouth, nor inside ears or on ear flaps - it's harsh stuff. // Let it stand for a minimum of 5-minutes by the clock; hold the dog's collar, ask them to SIT, & feed tidbits in tiny pieces, to keep them from shaking it off.
DISCARD all leftover solution - the H2O2 will degrade to water, & it won't be effective anymore; it cannot be kept, it must be made fresh, each time. // U can safely flush it down the loo, once it stops bubbling actively; it won't hurt plumbing or the water-treatment process.
After 5-mins standing, RINSE THE DOG VERY WELL with a hand-held shower wand, using tepid water, or use 2 clean buckets, one to fill under the tap while the other is gently poured over the areas of the dog's coat that are soaked with de-skunking solution.
Remember this is harsh & drying to skin - get it all out & off the dog. Rinse every area at least 3 times, & be sure the water runs off clear, the last time. ;)

That should eliminate most of it, but don't let him onto upholstered furniture unless there's a thick washable cover over the cushions, for about 10 to 14 days - that includes car-seats; the funk will get into the cushions & exhale every time the car is closed-up in warm temps. [Gakk.]
In a week, if he still stinks slightly when wet, U can repeat the de-skunking solution, same way.

- terry

QUOTE, Caro Perry:

Oh, gross - Harri once ate a mouse in a similar state of decay. It reappeared on my sitting room carpet, some hours later.
Just as well we love them, isn't it!


My Akita when under a year-old visited my mother's farm - my younger BiL had been living there, with my sis & their 2 boys, & i hadn't been there in years, as BiL Gary was a foul-mouthed petty dictator with a short fuse, & he'd ruined quite enuf of my family holidays, during his residence.
They'd moved to their own place [financed by sis Suzy's 60K payout for a serious accident], but Gary had left a few things behind. :rolleyes:

While i'm in the kitchen getting her brekkie out, Moon goes into the cellar alone, b/c my mother had left the door ajar [being petless, she doesn't think of these things - the cellar is beside the kitchen, dug-into the hill for coolness]. She came out with a funny look on her face, licking her lips & acting abashed. I knew she'd gotten into something, so i turned the light on & went looking. Dammit! - rat-poison, an open box of bait, gone faded with age & the box is dusty, plus a shadow on the concrete floor of HAIR fallen from a dessicating corpse. "Eau de dead" is on her breath, too - she ate it!
It's not even 10-AM; I'm home alone, there's no car, Mom's at work & won't get back b4 8-pm; I'm on a dirt road - my nearest neighbors are at work & won't be back for hours, yet; anyone who IS at home, is elderly. :eek:

I phoned the nearest vet, 40-mins away by car, who's in surgery; I explained what happened to his receptionist, & ask her to see if the vet has suggestions for getting the dead / poisoned mouse out, B4 she digests it. She calls back 15 long minutes later, to tell me to give her 1st-Aid H2O2 orally, a few ounces at a time, until she vomits.
I dig out the Rubbermaid baster we use for the Xmas turkey, take her outside on the grass, & squirt 2-oz of H2O2 down her gullet, past her tongue. She doesn't like it much, but I'm not taking no for an answer. Internal hemorrhage is a bad way to die. After a 2nd shot 10-mins later, she purges powerfully, & everything comes up... thank Goddess.
I let her relax for a few minutes, then offer a little plain cool water, & later a thin gruel of oatmeal; she's OK, her tummy's tender, but it's all gone. I phone the vet, update, & thank him.

Sometimes I swear that dogs & children are intended to make their guardians' hair turn white whilst still young.
They can scare the life outta ya. :rolleyes:

- terry

Thanks Terry for info. Will deffo come in useful in the future. The smell has gone now, it was on his breath.

We've had a vomiting bug here but are on the mend today. Looking after sick kids, when you're sick and family are 6 hours away is pants.
QUOTE, Teddy560:

...We've had a vomiting bug, here, but are on the mend today.
Looking after sick kids, when you're sick & family are 6 hours away, is pants.


oh, my! :( Poor U - been there, done it, & it wasn't fun. :oops: I hope everybody is much better, including the grown-ups. // Trying to care for someone when U are ill, too, is really tough.

After living in Canada and having many dogs sprayed by skunk I can tell you that bathing the dog in tomato juice does the trick every time. This is a well known remedy for stinky dogs in Canada and cheaper than any over the shop remedies. I use it when my two little white darlings feel the need to roll in fox poop.
Yep I have heard the tomato juice one, never tried it(but a couple of friends have) as amazingly, somehow, none of my dogs have been rollers of stinky stuff! not sure how I've got away with that after all these years..:p
Yep I have heard the tomato juice one, never tried it(but a couple of friends have) as amazingly, somehow, none of my dogs have been rollers of stinky stuff! not sure how I've got away with that after all these years..:p
Vinegar is even better
Thanks. Will bear all these in mind as I'm sure they will come in useful with Teddy and his love for all things dead, decayed and the fecal matter of horses :)
I’m just about to test out a dog shampoo that requires no water!

You lava the shampoo up and then just rub it away afterwards. If it works it could be a game changer, especially for winter! It smells amazing to.

I will let you know when my review is up!