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Anyone Know About This..


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Pet terrier is slashed in attack

A pet dog was left with serious injuries after being slashed and stabbed in Cumbria.

Police say the young black and tan Manchester Terrier, called Tuffy, suffered an 8ins wound along the length of its back and several stab wounds.

The pet had got out of its owners house on the Raffles estate, in Carlisle, on Friday morning.

A spokesman for Cumbria Police condemned the incident and appealed for witnesses to come forward.

:rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:

How could they
thats awful and very sad :( hope the dog is ok
its getting to be a regular thing nowadays and noone seems to do anything,the only folk who seem to care are animal lovers.the courts dont impose tough enough sentences and dont follow through with psychiatric treatment or counselling to find out why people commit these type of atrocities against defenceless animals,and to give them treatment to make sure they dont do it again.personally i think we need someone going around schools teaching children about pets and how to look after them and how awful it is to mistreat them.we have to tackle it at root cause and i think if we turn children into animal lovers when they are young then they will retain this love for the rest of their lives. :(
:rant: i dont think there are words strong enough to describe the helpless rage i'm feeling! kris makes some valid points. what scares me, though, is that a lot of murderers etc start out torturing helpless animals... if nothing is done to deter them while young, where will they end? :(
kris said:
its getting to be a regular thing nowadays and noone seems to do anything,the only folk who seem to care are animal lovers.the courts dont impose tough enough sentences and dont follow through with psychiatric treatment or counselling to find out why people commit these type of atrocities against defenceless animals,and to give them treatment to make sure they dont do it again.personally i think we need someone going around schools teaching children about pets and how to look after them and how awful it is to mistreat them.we have to tackle it at root cause and i think if we turn children into animal lovers when they are young then  they will retain this love for the rest of their lives. :(
Some people may be 'annoyed' that I have two whippets and an 19 month old daughter, but even she knows what is right and wrong when it comes to animals. She even has to give them kisses when she goes to bed. :huggles:

lalena said:
:rant: i dont think there are words strong enough to describe the helpless rage i'm feeling! kris makes some valid points. what scares me, though, is that a lot of murderers etc start out torturing helpless animals... if nothing is done to deter them while young, where will they end? :(
I couldn't have said it better.

It's a shame that smacking is banded and corporal punishment is no more.......
My daughter had been brought to respect animals.

Here is her with Buffyrannoch's new pup.....

its the sign of a break down in the fabric of morality :( bring back capital punishment, bring back national service...

get RID of human rights law, get RID of this claim culture. if you harm an innocent living being, you should be suitably punished, not blaming it on your childhood, and then suing ooooh, i dont know, maybe your school dinner lady for depriving you of seconds, which is the 'reason' you felt the need to brutalise a defenceless pet or child!

before i get anyones backs up, i just mean that people need to bear responsibility for their actions. the whole system is crumbling. the slimy lawyers for coming up with these pathetic cop outs, the bleeding hearts for agreeing, and the judges for falling hook line and sinker. alot of todays youth consider juvenile detention a holiday... pampering these 'poor hard done by lambs' is clearly not working. didnt the bulger monsters start off on cats? it may seem to be going off course, but i feel there is a clear link between violence perpetrated on pets during childhood and adolescence, and rape, torture and murder in adulthood. this poor dog did not deserve to be stabbed, and i hope for everyones sakes, doesnt give his attacker 'a taste' for more, culminating in the deaths of maybe a mother and child

:( :( :( :( :( :( :(
There's more details here.

Sadly there seems to be a constant stream of this kind of story in the local papers here. A couple of months ago on the same estate there was a spate of incidents where sick morons set dogs, apparently lurchers, onto cats which had been trapped in a phone box :rant: . Predictably some people were more up in arms about these "dangerous hunting dogs" than the idiots getting off on killing cats!

This is another local story from last Friday :angry: :( .
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Such awful things happen, how can people be so heartless :(

Lovely pic of your daughter and the puppy Linda :huggles: :wub: :wub:
:rant: :rant: TERRIBLE

Yes Linda I think animal respect starts at a very young age, if youngsters have no respect for animals they have no respect for people either.


Did anyone see the Rotty pup on the Paul O'Grady show last night :( :( in need of a new home - someone had dumped it in a plastic bag and had tried to cut its tail off. :rant:

It had recovered from its terrible ordeal and was looking very cute. :wub: - Im sure it will be snapped up :thumbsup: :luck: :luck:
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Farwells said:
There's more details here.
Sadly there seems to be a constant stream of this kind of story in the local papers here. A couple of months ago on the same estate there was a spate of incidents where sick morons set dogs, apparently lurchers, onto cats which had been trapped in a phone box :rant: . Predictably some people were more up in arms about these "dangerous hunting dogs" than the idiots getting off on killing cats!

This is another local story from last Friday :angry:   :( .

god, that is SICK! how can anyone do that to newly whelped puppies?! imagine the distress their mother is feeling :( if these 'people', loose terms, didnt want to breed, they should have spayed. if it was caught, an injection could have been given, worst case, spaying as well as removing pups. they OWED it to all dogs concerned to raise this litter, and to find them good homes within 8wks. is this going to happen AGAIN to the same mother when her next season comes in? some people need to be pts! :rant: :rant:
What monsters, I agree that our system is too soft with offenders. The punishment should fit the crime in my opinion.

In America, a definite link has been proven between animal and child cruelty. Now, if someone is found to have ill treated an animal, they are investigated by the child cruelty dept. The vast majority of the times children in the family are being abused, either physically or mentally, sometimes both. I am not a big fan of the American way of life, but I do think we should take a leaf out of their book this time.

Lets just hope this poor little dog makes a full recovery, from the article in the paper, he sounds a nervy type and I should think the mental aspect will be with him for the rest of his l ife.
the first report said he was a young dog but after reading the article i see he is 14.poor old boy its lucky hes not died of shock.mannies are as tough as old boots though.we had them for years and ive seen them get terrible injuriesand recover extremely quickly, and i had one that caught parvo when it first came to this country and they used to give you cat entiritis injections and she was out of the vets in a few days but my dobermann was in there for weeks,needed blood transfusions etc etc.hope the old boy gets well soon. :thumbsup: hope they catch the barstewards who did this and take appropriate action. :angry: