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Anyone have any ideas??


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So, took the dog on his usual walk through the woods last night. Noting was out of the ordinary. He did meet and have a run around with a collie that he met but all was well no rough play just chasing each other. When he woke up this morning his eyes were very gunky with his right eye being particularly squinty. It has been monitored throughout the day and he is still squinty and now rather bloodshot, see photo.


I'm booked in to have the vet look over him at 3:30 but wanted to check see if anyone had any ideas what it could be or can think of anything I should ensure that I ask the vet to probe in further? He is still happy and playful just a little more sedate than usual.
Hayfever would be my first guess - allergy to tree pollen is common, at least in humans. Let us know how you get on at the vet.
That was my first assumption too, specially as my eyes have began with a mild itchy irritation today. It is tree and grass pollen that gets me. Not quiet sure why I brought a house in the woods .
Definitely looks like some sort of irritant. Do you have any oil seed rape near you?
Achooooooooo, probably hay fever. We are all suffering here x
We do have rapeseed near us however I have read in the past that it can cause irritations for dogs eyes and skin so stay well clear of fields that contain it.
Yeah.. we give the dog Benadryl for allergy symptoms.
So I've been to the vets and kindly had a chunk of cash removed from my wallet. So it turns of that he has an ulcer in his eye along with a scratch. Probably a result of getting accidently caught by another dogs claw. Seems like just an unfortunate accident. Back in 5 days to make sure that the eye drops, antibiotics and pain relief have done their job and started to cause the ulcer to shrink.
Really painful for him too! Hope it heals well.
Thank you, I'm surprised how well he is coping to be honest. There is no complaints or changes in behaviours as of yet. He is still very playful and loving.

Fingers crossed it does heal well and quickly.
No your seeing it correctly, the reddening is apparently just due to conjunctivitis then the right eye that is squinty is due to an ulcer. In all fairness when she dropped colouring into his eye the ulcer was easily visible. Maybe there is a dose of hay-fever that is causing the irritation to both eyes. He has separate eye drops for the ulcer and conjunctivitis that have to be administered 3 times a day then pain relief once a day. Hopefully it clears up. Back on Sunday to check the progress.
Awww poor boy, hope he’s feeling better soon xx
Well we are seeing improvements his green/yellow eye gunk has stopped. That has to be a positive. As for the ulcer I guess it's just a waiting game till Sunday so the vet can have a look at it. To my uneducated eye I would say it looks better. His eye appears to be less foggy. Still taking it all in his stride as soon as I get the eye drops out he will come and sit with me, bless him
It's always good when green/yellow gunk stops *nods sagely*