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Anyone For A Cuppa ??


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:lol: I know Im sad but I like my tea out of a teapot best, so as I broke the old one I ordered a new one via an internet site Ive found

Not a dog I know.....but I like it.... :wub: :thumbsup:

anyone want to come round for a cuppa :lol: Im brewing up now... :)

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and of course Meeko prefers the box it came in.... :lol: :blink:

very strong, 1/2 spoon of sugar on my way :- "

(very nice teapot) :thumbsup:
give me a couple of hours to get there and would love to join you for a cuppa!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :D
That's really nice Janis! The box is pretty big... how many cup/mugs do you get out of that pot?

I love teapots. Have several, some more favoured than others. I always regret smashing my favouritest-ever teapot in a fit of rage with my mother-in-law (she wasn't present, I just heard something third hand and went ballistic, grabbed the nearest thing and threw it with both hands at the floor :b temper temper... I SO regret that act :b )

Tea is definitely better out of a teapot - and the post has to be warmed too :thumbsup:
~Helen~ said:
That's really nice Janis! The box is pretty big... how many cup/mugs do you get out of that pot?
I love teapots. Have several, some more favoured than others. I always regret smashing my favouritest-ever teapot in a fit of rage with my mother-in-law (she wasn't present, I just heard something third hand and went ballistic, grabbed the nearest thing and threw it with both hands at the floor :b temper temper... I SO regret that act :b )

Tea is definitely better out of a teapot - and the post has to be warmed too :thumbsup:

Helen this teapot is 1.1/2 litre ...which is around 6 cups, but this site is brilliant, I have never seen quite so many teapots..its worth checking out. The teapot has taken around 1 week to get here..the disrtibutor is in Holland. Actually this teapot is made in Oxfordshire :b so supposed I could have sourced it locally. Ashton Pottery....

Never mind I love this site. :thumbsup: and the teapot too... :)
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The website looks brilliant - some really stylish pots there!
Im parched Black 1 sugar

I might make it in about 3 hours down the A1

i'll bring the donuts

Oooohhh I like that a LOT!!!!

And NO you are not sad...because I too prefer my tea brewed in a tea-pot,there is nothing worse than a tea-bag in a mug!!!!

Off to check the site out now...because I have a funny feeling that by the time got to your house from here the tea would be well stewed and freezing cold! (w00t) Not to mention how very expensive a cup of tea it would be!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
That's a lovely teapot! I could do with replacing ours (cheap from Woolworths :- " ) so might have a look at that site. We always have our tea from a teapot too, makes the teabags last longer as we only use 1 instead of 2! :lol: :p
Earl Grey, tiny splash of milk and no sugar.. :thumbsup:


Teapot ? It only comes out when the posh friends are over I'm afraid :)) Love that one though Jan :thumbsup:


Tracey X


Did somebody say donuts ?
Hi Janis, I only drink tea when friends come and i make it for them (and have a cup to be sociable - I like Earl Grey best, but not everyone does) and I do agree that it tastes much nicer when made in a proper pot and brewed correctly. I have about 5 teapots in different sizes and several tea cosies - one made by an ex patient of mine who was 104 and knitted 100's of tea cosies for her local church. Drove her 84 year old daughter mad trying to keep up wwith supplying the wool (w00t)

I'll be down soon, with a nice chocolate cake and 3 whippets (and my friend) so get that kettle on!!!!
Very nice pot! I'm on way for that cuppa, just popping into that website first! :thumbsup: :lol:
Aww you lot :lol: Ive just come back in.....hope none of you called when I was out... :b :blink: ..... didnt realise I would have so many takers...on the offer...

wouldnt it be really nice if you all could really come for a cuppa.....a K9 tea party... :lol:
a great idea janis!!!! now just how many k9`rs can you fit in your house (w00t) would archie be able to handle all the kisses and cuddles!!!! :wub: :huggles:
posh totty said:
a great idea janis!!!! now just how many k9`rs can you fit in your house  (w00t)   would archie be able to handle all the kisses and cuddles!!!! :wub:   :huggles:
Better start filling my biscuit tins and topping the cakes up now then... :- " :lol:
Love the teapot Janis. :wub: :thumbsup: Wished I lived nearer so could pop round for a cuppa. I really love tea and get withdrawal symptoms if I haven't had a cup for a few hours!! :- "

We always have tea out of a teapot - I don't like it made in the mug either.