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Any Hints For Ensuring A Puppy A Nice Flight?


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Soon it will be time for A'Lil Miss Dior to take the long flight (at least 9 hours) to her new home. Do you have any advice to ensure her a pleasent and safe flight in her carrier in the cargo compartment. e.g. should I leave her collar on or would it be better to take it off?

Any advice for comfy travel is appreciated. :)
Would it be possible for you to put in a blanket that smells of home, then she wont feel so lonely, and a teddy might keep her company to. Hope she has a safe journey. :))
Paula Roberts said:
Would it be possible for you to put in a blanket that smells of home, then she wont feel so lonely, and a teddy might keep her company to. Hope she has a safe journey. :))
Thank you Paula :) . That's some good advice. :thumbsup:
hope she gets there safely,

if you can, try and make sure the water bowl is large enough to store enough water for the 9 hours and that the bowl wont damage her teeth if she chews it.

hopefully she'l nap all the way -_-
I hope she has a really safe and happy journey to her new home :wub: :wub:
maggymills said:
hope she gets there safely, if you can, try and make sure the water bowl is large enough to store enough water for the 9 hours and that the bowl wont damage her teeth if she chews it.

hopefully she'l nap all the way  -_-

Thanks maggymills :) :thumbsup:
Get her used to being in the crate. Leave the crate for her to play in, keep all her toys in there so she considers it her little hiding place. Crate her every day for a little while, give her some special treat while she is inside. . :)

:luck: Lida
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Seraphina said:
Get her used to being in the crate.  Leave the crate for her to play in, keep all her toys in there so she considers it her little hiding place.  Crate her every day for a little while, give her some special treat while she is inside.  . :) :luck: Lida

Thanks Lida :) :thumbsup:
You could also spray some Dog Appeasing Pheromone in the crate (DAP - available from your vets). When my puppy was anxious in the car, I tried it a couple of times, and it did seem to have some effect. The effect won't last for the full 9 hours, but if she it helps keep her feeling not too worried for the first couple of hours, it might help her keep calm for the rest of the trip.

The spray apparently contains the same pheromone that the bitch releases to keep her puppies calm. Anyway, it is completely harmless, and does not make the dog feel unnaturally drowsy like drugs do, so I don't see any harm in trying it.

Oh, and I would not leave her collar on - I am sure there is nothing in the crate that it can get attached to, but I am pretty paranoid about these things.

Keeping my fingers crossed she will have a safe and pleasant flight, and that she will settle right into her new home!

:luck: :luck: :luck:
If you give her a teddy I would remove the eyes and nose and stitch the holes up she might pull them off and swollow them

Tegan flew to Manchester when we first had her it was only 1 hr flight but we then had to wait another 2 hrs for her to be unloaded then they lost her Not really but they had a shift change and the new shift did not relise they were there her sister flew over with her to go elsewhere dopey cargo workers at Manchester

Theyjust had a blanket but I would give her a toy that her mum has played with so she has the smell of her with her.
bardmand said:
You could also spray some Dog Appeasing Pheromone  in the crate (DAP - available from your vets). When my puppy was anxious in the car, I tried it a couple of times, and it did seem to have some effect. The effect won't last for the full 9 hours, but if she it helps keep her feeling not too worried for the first couple of hours, it might help her keep calm for the rest of the trip.
The spray apparently contains the same pheromone that the bitch releases to keep her puppies calm. Anyway, it is completely harmless, and does not make the dog feel unnaturally drowsy like drugs do, so I don't see any harm in trying it.

Oh, and I would not leave her collar on - I am sure there is nothing in the crate that it can get attached to, but I am pretty paranoid about these things.

Keeping my fingers crossed she will have a safe and pleasant flight, and that she will settle right into her new home!

:luck:   :luck:   :luck:

Thanks bardmand! :thumbsup: :)
oakmoorehill said:
If you give her a teddy I would remove the eyes and nose and stitch the holes up she might pull them off and swollow them...

Theyjust had a blanket but I would give her a toy  that her mum has played with so she has the smell of her with her.

Thank you for the advice oakmoorehill :thumbsup: :)

oakmoorehill said:
Tegan flew to Manchester when we first had her it was only 1 hr flight but we then had to wait another 2 hrs for her to be unloaded then they lost her Not really but they had a shift change and the new shift did not relise they were there her sister flew over with her to go elsewhere dopey cargo workers at Manchester
My goodness :blink: , I hope nothing like that shall happen on Fini's flight, she has to change planes.
In 1992 I brought my Borzoi and Whippet with me from Austrakia to Europe. They were 30hours in transit and came out of their crates perfectly happy and relaxed.

Dogs are carried in the tail section of the plane accesible from the cabin. Ther cabin crew checks on them in regular intervals making sure they have enough water. When a cute little puppy travels you can be sure the cabin crew will give her lot of attention. The same goes for staff in the airport. Where is she changing planes?

I am sure she will be OK. :luck:

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Seraphina said:
Where is she changing planes?
There is no direct flight from Helsinki, so she has to change planes either in Copenhagen, Stockholm, Frankfurt or New York. I haven't booked the flight yet, so it's still under consideration which would be the best route for her.

Seraphina said:
I am sure she will be OK. :luck: Lida

Thanks Lida :huggles:
Dusilla said:
oakmoorehill said:
If you give her a teddy I would remove the eyes and nose and stitch the holes up she might pull them off and swollow them...

Theyjust had a blanket but I would give her a toy  that her mum has played with so she has the smell of her with her.

Thank you for the advice oakmoorehill :thumbsup: :)

oakmoorehill said:
Tegan flew to Manchester when we first had her it was only 1 hr flight but we then had to wait another 2 hrs for her to be unloaded then they lost her Not really but they had a shift change and the new shift did not relise they were there her sister flew over with her to go elsewhere dopey cargo workers at Manchester
My goodness :blink: , I hope nothing like that shall happen on Fini's flight, she has to change planes.

I'm sure she'll be ok Tegan and her sister were' lost 'as they were the only cargo on the plan so instead of taking the plane to the cargo area they unloaded them at the baggage area and took them to the cargo bay in a lorry but on the computer it still said the cargo has to be unloaded so no one realised they were in one of the dog pens in their crateuntil the change of shift came on and someone went to look for them They only had a short flight Belfast to Manchester I'm sure with Fini 's flight being a long one she will be well looked afterby the staff

The staff at Manchester couldn't appologise enough and when they realised were they were they rushed them as quickly as possible
Fini has now taken her long flight to her new home near Seattle, USA. All went well and she arrived fine and happy :) .
Thanks for letting us know. :cheers: I am glad all went well.

Glad to hear Fini arrived saftly :wub: :wub: