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I have just sobbed 'cos Lewis went, I wanted gummy Keith to leave.

Do we think Lee is the winner girls?
Bonding with you Dessie :huggles:

Well we'll have to send support vibes to Lee and hope Lewis is a fab under-study :thumbsup:

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If Lee doesn't win it will be ridiculous, he is by far the best - Keith is horrible! :D
rls22 said:
If Lee doesn't win it will be ridiculous, he is by far the best - Keith is horrible!  :D
Well actually, yes, I think he is blergh(being careful as he is Scottish and don't want to be accused of being racist :- " )
I can't go so far as to say that Keith is horrible because he has a very melodious voice ................. but I have to agree that Lee is the full monty as far as singing and performance goes. Lewis was eye candy though!! I love blonde boys!!!

The one I wanted to get rid of finally went last week, arrogant little sh*t who couldn't sing to save his life!!!!!
dessie said:
I can't go so far as to say that Keith is horrible because he has a very melodious voice ................. but I have to agree that Lee is the full monty as far as singing and performance goes.  Lewis was eye candy though!!  I love blonde boys!!!
The one I wanted to get rid of finally went last week, arrogant little sh*t who couldn't sing to save his life!!!!!

Well I missed last week's show as some-one!!!!!!! forgot half the stuff to make the TV in the caravan work when we were away at the Champs! :eek: :(

Lewis is a nice clean looking boy Dessie, a bit too clean for my personal taste dear, unless you know some-thing I don't............................ :teehee:
I just think Keith comes across like such an arrogant git. Really cocky and he's not got much to be that way about. Poor bloke wasn't blessed in the looks department was he?! :oops: :lol:
rls22 said:
I just think Keith comes across like such an arrogant git.  Really cocky and he's not got much to be that way about.  Poor bloke wasn't blessed in the looks department was he?!  :oops:   :lol:
No, but he has good gums!
There is some justice in the world.................... I need to lie down for a month, the emotion....... :wacko:
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Joanna said:
rls22 said:
If Lee doesn't win it will be ridiculous, he is by far the best - Keith is horrible!  :D
Well actually, yes, I think he is blergh(being careful as he is Scottish and don't want to be accused of being racist :- " )

Only someone suffering from a terminal case of politically correctomania could accuse you of racism!!!!! :p ;)
Yey! So pleased that he won :sweating:
EJW said:
Joanna said:
rls22 said:
If Lee doesn't win it will be ridiculous, he is by far the best - Keith is horrible!  :D
Well actually, yes, I think he is blergh(being careful as he is Scottish and don't want to be accused of being racist :- " )

Only someone suffering from a terminal case of politically correctomania could accuse you of racism!!!!! :p ;)

The Scottish part of me is upset but the Welsh and English bits are laughing!!
rls22 said:
Yey!  So pleased that he won  :sweating:

Yep! But Lewis was still my favourite, :wub: I could have quite happily locked him in a cupboard!!! OH keeps saying "But he's 18"

AND????? ........................???? ;) :lol:
I'm delighted that Lee won! He's by far the most talented & will make a fine Joseph ;)
Lee for me to he has been my fav right from the auditions

Taking votes if there will be a single realised on the back of the programme and if so which one.

It was a shame the choir didnt have a bigger part concidering the hype the got.

But I have to say tonights show was the best telly i have seen in ages. Do I need to get out more :huggles:

I'm so thrilled Lee won, I love his hair, and his smile, and his dumpy little mum. I voted three times, which is three times more than I've ever voted for any other TV show. I'm so going to miss it on Saturday evening.

I can't wait to go and see the show, I've been dropping so many hints I feel it is only a matter of time before the tickets are produced, :thumbsup: ;) ;) :thumbsup:

Yep, they got absolutely the right guy :thumbsup: - my sister, daughter and I said Lee was the one from the moment we saw him in the auditions, and he still is - can't wait to see the show! :luck: :thumbsup:

Well done Lee :cheers: - a perfect Joseph :cheers: