Hi, people have recommended using an air spray to discourage whining and barking. My instinct is not to use anything that may scare or worry and try to find cause of behaviour but wondered what others views may be.
Your instinct is right. An aversion tool like this might stop the barking but it will be because the dog is afraid of the consequences of barking. So as well as the issue that is causing the barking - try to find out what that is if you can, and deal with that (cause) rather than the barking (effect) - you will have fear of the collar and suppressed frustration to deal with too. Some people teach their dog to bark on cue as that helps teach a stop cue. I haven't done it but someone else may be able to advise. Or you might find something on YouTube.
Thanks. That is what I felt was right too. I have read about teaching 'to bark' and then 'shush'. I think it was Ian Dunbar - I'll look it up. The barking is when she's in her crate and we're out. I've posted problem on Puppy forum and Gypsysmum has been responding. Am now going to borrow video to see if we find cause.
By using an aversive you are suppressing the outlet of a natural behaviour. Stopping the barking might cause the behaviour to manifest itself in other, less desirable, ways. I am thinking of destructiveness or self mutilation
we've been working hard on building confidence by leaving her alone at times and also leaving her in her crate for increasing periods of time - we are up to 1.5 hrs. So far we have returned home and she has been quiet each time, so I'm hoping that we have turned a corner. I am looking forward, though, to when we can leave her with just her bed downstairs.
Thanks. Big day on Tuesday when a we have to leave her for 2.5 hours which I'm not looking forward to. If she is too upset when we get home than we will probably pay for someone to come in on future Tuesday's to let her out and keep her company.
Thanks. Yep we will do that. We normally try to make leaving and returning pretty unemotional affairs. We will take her for a good walk beforehand as well and then give her 10 minutes when we get back from walk to cool down before going in her crate. So fingers crossed. It feels a lot like my daughters first day at school!!
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