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Another Sun Worshipper


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As the neighbours' kids were out playing in the front garden, I took Fred and Stan out on the back terrace garden to enjoy a chew and the sun without being disturbed. Once their chews were consumed Stan wanted to come in. Fred decided he'd stay put on his blanket and make the most of the sunshine 8) ....(these photos may look alarming, but Fred doesn't try and leap or jump anything and knows the way down the steps....):





He is a smart fellow. I bet that is the warmest sunniest spot in the garden.

Your garden is lovely. It must be fantastic to have dogs that do not either eat, flatten or generally destroy so much hard work. :wub: :wub:
What a lovely garden terracing made lovelier with a sunning whippie. :)) Re Eve's comment, last year we turfed a 10 foot square patch of lawn under an old apple tree and in the gorgeous weather in the last fortnight Tilly has managed to dig so many deep holes that we have going to have to re-turf the lot. :( :- Wish I could start a post with 'garden dog damage' but photobucket still won't accept my photos. :rant:
Awwww, Fred is really enjoying that sun, Nicola. :wub: The perfect pastime for an elderly whippet :huggles:
he looks like the king of the castle :wub:
He is a smart fellow. I bet that is the warmest sunniest spot in the garden.Your garden is lovely. It must be fantastic to have dogs that do not either eat, flatten or generally destroy so much hard work. :wub: :wub:

Thank you. The key to non-destructive whippets is in Gllian's post, Eve....... 'elderly' :- ;)
Fred the sun worshipping mountaineer :wub: :wub: :wub:
That is a beautiful garden. Do you share it with your neighbours?
What beautiful photos of Fred...ones to treasure Id say... :wub: love your garden Nicola its so unusual and looks like

youve put a lot of work into it.
What a lovely spot for an older gentle-whippet to pass the afternoon :wub:
That is a beautiful garden. Do you share it with your neighbours?

It's funny you should ask. We don't, but in theory our neighbours do have the right of access to come and use our garden and we have the right of access to theirs. As our solicitor put it, if a neighbours wants to come and hang their washing out on our patch they are perfectly within their rights to do so. It's all communal access in the deeds, but in practice we don't treat it as such. It's the same with the front gardens. In fact the kids along our terrace all run up and down across our path. I've got used to it now...I don't mind at all really. Next door's dog, Aster, comes to play with our two and we all get to say's all very sociable. In fact I've just come back in from a birthday celebration next door..all of 3 steps along the ginnell :teehee:
I love seeing Fred :wub:

He is such a gorgeous, gentle boy :D
Aww I always enjoy seeing pictures of Fred :wub: He is such a lovely boy and looks so gentle and loving :huggles: