Rapid Fire and Slippy blue, could not be used as If im right they had no tackle. But
Adams mistory, had very small litter mates so this should make the choice a bit less worrying if you were after small pups. North to south gets my vote as the dog with the most to offer if you want a dog away from the big three bloodlines.
Gaz i think it would take more than technology to get these dogs on the stud list, but it is typical that top dogs like Slippy Blue cant be used, yet the good old club dog in most cases would shag a cat.
you dont see many dogs with no nu.s that aint flying machines Pete such as slippy blue rapid fire razzmatazz sailor just a few to mention,i believe Micky mouse to only have one n.t but what a career
what,s the problem with whippet,s these day,s since iv,e got back into racing that,s all iv,e heard this dog has no nuts .that dog as no nuts . and the amount of people thats getting them took out of there dog,s is unbelieveable.
surely this problem must have something to do with the breeding side,i know in the greyhound world they have this problem with a certain australian sire that a lot of he,s offspring,s are born with none at all or only one
IIRC both Maddison and Dream Vision were mono-orchids ( or unilateral crypto-orchids for Judy) and since Dream Vision was Marrilions full brother and these three were well used studs in the recent past I suspect that these blood lines carry a genetic defect resulting in crypto-orchidism.
I have two mono-orchids via these lines and the last litter we bred has resulted in one pseudocrypto-orchid with two of the other pups being over 6 month old before having both testicles descended, needing manipulation of the one or both undescended testicles.
on reading this topic, i have to say that master blaster and master tornado both had a retained testicle, i had them removed buster at the age of 3 after his racing was finished but tornado,s was took away while he was still a pup as it was not free moving like his fathers, master blaster has only lined bitch,s since the removal of his testicle and has a 99 % proven rate only missing 1 bitch slipper which was on the pill previous. i think he could well make his mark in years to come as a top stud dog
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