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Another Place For Tilly Posters


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Forgive me for posting this again but it may just help.

Have emailled friends with longdogs in Kent who i hope will put posters into local doggy meets and the like


really hope u find her soon, every dog owners worst nightmare!!

Putting a missing poster in your car is a brill way of getting publicity. I do it for various other dog related reasons and you would be surprised who reads them in the car park, supermarkets etc very often i get post its on the windscreen for more info.

Try it !

You never know who will read it, esp as it may get to places other posters wont!

If everyone did it just think of the views!

Best of luck SummerXX
ps have also sent copy of poster to a very good mate who has contacts with local gypsy site in Somerset, bless her she does a lot of "rescuing" and managed to "aquire" a missing staffi dog who was too bl**dy hot to handle even for fighting!

She may be able to spread the reward word, you never know..... every little helps.

What about getting something on ebay???

Under lurcher/longdog etc etc...... perhaps someone could "buy" her lead (or a cheepo new one) and look at the poster at the same time??? Worth startin an account for a few 100 or more hits???.......??