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Another Injury


Warrior Queen
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No pics, as my main concern was to get Josie to the vets as quickly as I could, but I wish I could show you all :(

She took off in the woods again on her own personal deer quest. I couldn't bear to keep her on the lead all the time, she was so un happy, so I've been working really hard on recall in distracted situations and she was doing quite well. I was just thinking that today she seemed a little less responsive and I should put her back on the lead, when off she went! I just wasn't quick enough :unsure:

She was back after 10 minutes, limping a bit, and when I looked her over I found her rear hind quarter was sliced open to the muscle with 2 x four-inch long gashes. Her front shoulder was also hanging open, de-gloved to the tendons and muscle. The hole was big enough to put a child's fist into. There was a huge blood vessel all exposed and how she didn't tear that open I don't know. Luckily she didn't or she'd have exsanguinated before I got her to the vet :(

She's being cleaned and sutured now, and I have to phone at 2.30 to see if I can bring her home later. The vet said the gashes will be fine, but she's not sure how the repair to the front is going to go.

I guess that's it. I have one whippet who can be trusted off the lead in any situation, and another whippet who will just have to spend the rest of her life leaded :( I feel very sad about that because there's nothing better than to watch them running free and chasing each other around the field.
Poor Josie, :huggles: :huggles: her injurys sound terrible.

I hope she gets well soon. :luck: :luck:
Poor Josie, hope it's good news when you ring the vets Helen.

Give her a kiss from me

it must have been horrible for you. :(

hope she makes a quick recovery
Ouch and more ouch.

I think your dogs injuries will heal faster than you :(

One of mine had a nasty scratch from running into a bush...a teeny weeny bit deeper and it would of needed stitches :blink:

Did he learn......nope.....back into the bush again :- "
Oh no poor Josie, those injuries sound pretty scary :( She sounds so much like Archie. Don't worry too much about the injuries they should soon heal up - but I know the saddest thing is not being able to let her off her lead.

I have been feeling so sad for Archie but I have recently found a small solution which is better than just lead walking. Archie only connects deer with big open fields with hedges - so now every couple of nights we drive to a largish sports field with a ball on a rope and he chases this til he almost collapsing - the field is fenced on 3 sides and car park on the other - he would never even think to run there. It has worked really well just when I was thinking lure-coursing was the only free-running he would ever get to do.

I've always said I would be lucky if Archie made it to 3 years old due to this behaviour and unstoppable hunting instinct, however he is nearly 4 now. So lets just say Josie has had a very lucky escape this time and perhaps try to find a sports field or even a fenced horse exercise area so she can have a bit of free running and the rest of time I think the long lead will be the only option :(

Anyway sorry to yabber on, I just completely empathise with you. Lots of :huggles: to Josie - I bet she is feeling oh so sorry for herself now.
Thanks everyone, and thanks Jo - I think a sports field or park is going to be the answer because it is a habit. Field bordering onto woods = chase deer.

How silly, moving out to the countryside and having to take my dog to the park for exercise :lol: :wacko:

Counting the minutes until I can phone the vet, now... :luck:
~Helen~ said:
How silly, moving out to the countryside and having to take my dog to the park for exercise :lol:   :wacko:

Yes I know what you mean!

I'm sure the news will be as good as it can be - they will have patched her up :luck:

I walked Archie through a deer park the other day :lol: on a very tight lead and did the old traditional method of training (I used it for sheep) and basically every time he even looks at them he gets a loud no and a little slap to his bottom. They are both about 95% safe with sheep now. So also possibly worth a go :wacko:
Oh dear I am sorry, how very very scary. Poor Josie and poor you. Good luck with the call to the vet. Lots of kisses for Josie from another hunting mad blue whippy :huggles: .
Josie's injuries sound dreadful. Hope you can get her home cos that's where she'll heal best. Hope you both feel better soon. :luck:
I walked Archie through a deer park the other day  on a very tight lead and did the old traditional method of training (I used it for sheep) and basically every time he even looks at them he gets a loud no and a little slap to his bottom. They are both about 95% safe with sheep now. So also possibly worth a go
Ah, that's interesting. That is what I've been doing when we're out. She's on the lead through 'danger' areas and every time she looks over towards the woods I tell her a very loud 'No!'. That's what I was doing today, but with her off the lead (have done that successfully for the past few days. I have to keep on her like a hawk and the minute her attention goes towards the wood, I'm in with the 'No!' and she has been responding... obviously not today!).

I've spoken to the veterinary nurse who said she's just coming round from the anasethetic and is a bit disorientated, but fine, and that I can pick her up at 4.30.
Oh dear, poor Josie :( hope she is feeling better really soon :thumbsup: :luck: :thumbsup: :luck:
(w00t) Ouch. The front injury sounds like they might have to put a drain in it.

BUT thank god whippets heal well and fast.

It's vile having to walk 'em home once they are injured. I wonder if a deer did the injuries. Don't seem fair that this happening now that you've moved out to the country but it's happened that way to me too. Hard to imagine that like my dogs yours too were safer in Bristol.

She'll have war wounds to boast about now. Take some Rescue Remedy.
Sorry to hear about Josie Helen :( I hope her injuries heal really soon and no scarring :luck: :luck:
Crumbs Helen! I think I would have been jibbering if one of mine had come back like that! When I read about Josie, I can't help but remember her as Miss Perfect. She was so well behaved for you when younger. All that time she must have been masking her true devil self (w00t) . I really don't have your problem with mine as we don't tend to go any-where where there are deer, but I can imagine it would be the same for many of us if we were in that environment. For me, woods are scarey as they have deer, squirrels, badger and fox holes and sharp sticks, being a woos, I avoid them. I do go to a big park with the boys, and we have a nice little social time with other dogs. I use my chuck it with a ball, just like Jo, and it knackers them out. We are lucky with the Common on the doorstep, but safe, open spaces like that are hard to come by. I'm sure you'll find a solution and in the mean time, I hope Josie makes a full and speedy recovery and that you are feeling OK too. Have a large glass of something medicinal (red wine) :thumbsup:
oh ! poor Josie, that sounds like a terrible ordeal, she must be really hurting, hope she makes a good uncomplicated recovery.

Yes. it's a shame that she can't help hunting, but sounds like the lead will be for her own good.

How do you stay calm when they come back to you all ripped open like that ?

must be reaction to a situation that you find you are in charge of and then later you get all wobbly about it, you both need to lie on the sofa and be pampered :huggles: to you all
A shock for you I know. I for one am terrified of barbed wire since I saw what it could do to a dog. There are places I am sure were she will be able to go for a run. Mine go running along the canal there is just one section that I have to leash for precisely the same reason.

Don't give up it would be a shame. Hope you are all feeling better soon. :luck: :huggles: