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Anonymous Members And Donations


The one and Only ....
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I just noticed this


99 guests, 76 members 2 anonymous members


Whats the difference between a anonymous member and

a guest ?


And something else ive noticed............the make a donation button

has it always been yellow ?

Do many people donate, do they do one of's or regular donations.

Do you have a donating members area or anything like some of

the other forums ?
Hi Ann - to try and answer some of your questions -

A guest hasn't registered and an anonymous member is a member who has chosen to log on anonymously.

The button hasn't always been yellow - Paypal changed it the other week.

It varies but there is no real pattern to donations.

No, there isn't a donating members forum.
What exactly is the point of logging in as anonymous..?? :unsure:
I guess (though it's not something I do) it's what people do when they don't want other people to know that they are here, or what they are viewing on the boards. Personally I couldn't care less if people know what thread I'm reading - and make whatever inferences they will about my reasons for not replying ..... or if they know I'm currently PMing another member

But then I'm not a paranoid conspiracy theorist who thinks people are keeping tabs on me! :teehee:
It just seems a bit sneaky in my opinion only... :- " I really didnt know members could do this??
I've come on anonymous mainly to research through topics within non-ped racing where there's been some useful information within heated debates. I've looked anonymously because I wouldn't want to bring these debates into the spotlight where arguments could start up. ;)

I also donate an amount to K9 annually through the donate button. :thumbsup:
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I wouldn't mind donating occasionally but what are the costs involved running the board? I guess that what donations are for. :)

Thanks for answering Judy im just

I have one more after your replies if you sign out can you then come

on as a guest ?
ive been looking at that donation button for the last few days, couldnt decide if it had changed colour or i was going colour blind :- "