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Angle Clair Open


Reaction score
no limit

r whisper wizz

b la belle

w nice n cool

bk the menace 1st & sup 8-69


r yell solo 8-78


vivs quest 22

daytona 21 1st 9-05

pups upto 23lb

r peggy sue 23 1st & sup 8-65 this dog is flying one to watch next year :- "

b gold run 21

w miss mustang 20

upto 29

r dyonisus 24


r torino 22

b euro star 21 1st 9-28

w molly gift 19


upto 25lb

r winny skippet 124 1st 8-78 2nd in final

b suave dancer 22

w tarrogan 21


r sun princess 26 1st & bitch winner 8-72 :D final time 8-55

b atlanta 26

w molly chop 26


r panda 33

kizzy 31

refuse to bend 31 1st 8-71 w/drawn from final this class was ran 3 times

bk beckerella 31



r vivs merlin 19 1st 9-24 3rd in final

b spoilt rotten 18


r ones cushtie star 24

b oscars pride 24 1st & supreme/ overall 8-72 :D final time 8-54

w master tornado 22


r leo 26

b pitts n pieces 26

w colarado 26 1st 8-69 2nd in final

bk rio bravo 26


r ted the red 35

b toe cap 33

w power devil 31 1st 8-64 4th in final

8) hope no one else as posted the results :oops:

a total of 37 dogs
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well done Peggy Sue,yes she is one to watch for 2005. John did the pups run the same distance as the adults?
Cheers Carole

is the Rising Sun on tomorrow morning? if so wat time 11am?
:D soz just got back to u davey yes rising sun shud be on at 11am carole x
a big well done to the overall winner oscars pride ran like a true champ all day :D

nice to see all southern dogs in dog final, hope to see all the northeners down at warwick next week as it only took us 2 1/2 hours to come up, but i doubt it.

see al use southerners at the next northern open

lots of love

tam n andy n p.i.g

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

we will have a beer we enjoy being with the whippet comany especiaally debbie savages on a saturday night wen she does an impression of abi TITmuss,
they shud av been lower lol but nice try denise was a gud night shame bout all the shit wat we were talkin bout whippet racing sumn people dnt have a clue sum times.