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Andover members - help needed


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The pit for our sand finish was dug last saturday (see photos on our website) and the sand is arriving tomorrow. Doug and others will be at the track both tomorrow (friday) and Saturday from 8am to help move and spread the sand.

If you can spare a few hours to come along to the track either tomorrow or saturday it would be a big help - the more people the better - what is the saying - Many hands make light work! (& the quicker the finish is ready the qucker we can get back club racing)

Please bring along a shovel and wheel barrow if you can, contact Doug or Rob if you have any questions.

I will be there on saturday - hope some of you can come along! :thumbsup:
Hi Darcia, that's really interesting, has a sand pit finish ever been used before at any clubs?

Also will it be used at your opens and the 150 nationals or is it purely for club racing?

It is good that clubs like yours are looking at different ways to run and keep running when the weather is crap!
Hi Dave,

The main focus is on having it for club racing but I guess if things work out well then possibly for opens too - I am not sure to be honest. The club that run at Cullumpton have a sand pit finish and we have had alot of advice from Mick (Just Maybe) who was running the club when it was first introduced down there. Our problem with the track is that as you know, it was a ploughed field a few years ago so it is taking a while for the grass to properly nit together and although it has been holding up well for the open and main club racing season (with a lot of work from Doug and the team) we had to stop running quite early last year as the finish was getting damaged with the ground being wet and muddy and patches with no grass were appearing. The track does also drain quite well so we also had problems with the finish being quite hard in the summer. The sand pit on the 150 track will hopefully give us an opportunity to run more (& more safely for the dogs) both in the summer and winter and allow the main (& longer) track to bed in even more without disturbance.

I think they are about all of the key points, we are all quite excited about the prospect of having it ready to run on and the potential benefits to our club and its members.

PS How is Freddie now?
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Doug, Chris and Sarah made a great start to shifting the sand into the pit today. Huge thanks to them - photos of the progress are now available on our website on the link below: :thumbsup:

Hope to see some of you down at the track tomorrow.