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Andover & District Whippet Racing Club



Just a quick reminder,Andover Club meet this Sunday, please book in with Rob Sweet in one of the following ways by 9pm Wed eve for trials and racing :thumbsup:



01256 470835 or 07500 330510. Email or pm on k9 to SUNDANCE
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Looking forward to seeing everyone on sunday :thumbsup:
shock horror (w00t) i have booked in and i'm coming :sweating: :sweating: even cleaned out the inside of the minty bus!!!

i have emailed Rob but not had a reply so i will text him to check he got my message.......... see you all Sunday

double shock (w00t) the deadly clan are coming as well :thumbsup:



What a lovely day, forcast was " an overcast day with maybe a shower", but the sun shone from first thing and didn't stop,lots of good races and two clearence's , well done Pat's young boy Henry who sailed through his clearence :thumbsup: and a massive well done to June and Alan Foster's new kid on the block, Sevvie who ran a fantastic race alongside his mum Summa Breeze ( showing him how its done.....just :sweating: :sweating: ), we wish them both all the best in their racing careers :luck: :luck:. It was nice to welcome Daphne & Phil to our meeting and also Barb & Alan. Thanks to all who attended making it an enjoyable day. and Mrs Evan's ( & Elisha) for a good raffle to end the day ;)

sorry,no pictues of races as I was judging ( dont think my camera is quick enough anyhow ) :teehee:
Looks like a nice sunny day was had by all. Good to blow away the cobwebs again on Sundays. Must get our entry in soon for Easter, it's looking like being a good weekend :thumbsup:
"a good raffle to end the day"

We like a good Raffles :teehee:

4 weeks to go .... should be a great weekend :thumbsup:
"a good raffle to end the day"
We like a good Raffles :teehee:

4 weeks to go .... should be a great weekend :thumbsup:
in the words of my almost 7yr old daughter Elisha

"i only come racing for the raffle"

(w00t) :thumbsup:
Another gorgeous day and good fun as always (I even provided the half time entertainment!!!)

Well done to Henry and Sevvie on passing their clearing trials.

Was lovely to meet another one of Campbell's sisters and to see how much Jane's two boys had grown. I think nearly all of the litter that were there had a little run with a play lure and it was lovely to see. Best of all is seeing Cam play with his little sis Fizz, he towers over her but she is so feisty and puts him in his place! I wont offer to let her run to Kim again in a while though as when I let her go she made a bee line past Kim, round the end of the track and then in and out of the parked cars for a good few minutes before Mick finally caught her :teehee:

Thanks everyone for a lovely day!

P.s. We had our 17 week weigh in today and Cam is now weighing 22.5lbs (w00t)
They are beautiful litter Darc and co. Very envious. Warning to other people with long hair. For goodness sake do not put your raggable hair near Angies black masked girl or Daphnes. I did wonder if we were ever going to be able to detach Daphne's from my hair. (w00t) I did wonder if she'd have to be cut out.

Black masked reds are the best colour soooooooooooooo fabbo. I wish that I'd had my camera and could have taken a photo of Mick and Angie's girls curled up with their mum in the van.

I missed your fence jumping display Darc. Hope that you survived it okay. You are a braver soul than me climbing over netting.

Congrats to Sev and Henry on clearing. Looking forwards to watching you race.

It was great being back at Andover. I've missed that 'Andover' sense of humour. Hope to see you in 2 weeks time.