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And You Think Your Shoes Are Uncomfortable?

EEUGH!!!! - GROSS OR WHAT???!!!! :x She aint even got ROOM for any corns :eek:

Tina :D
Until the last two pics I was thinking 'I really want to see her feet with no shoes on' now I wish I hadn't :x
I'd read about the Chinese women having their feet bound, but left the rest to my imagination. Their toes would eventually crack and break and bend under, and it was really painful. Wish I hadn't looked now. :x
i remember watching a program on tv about the old ways of foot binding in china,luckily i think its outlawed now.they used to do it cos they thought big feet were ugly and a woman should have tiny dainty feet so they bound them to make them small.a woman couldnt run or do anything energetic with feet that were deformed like this so it was also a sign of being born into gentility and a high class family,(because it would be hard to nigh on impossible to work or to do manual tasks)so of course it then spread to the lower classes who wanted to ape their 'betters'

(this is just another bit of useless information ive accumulated over the years!) :b
Ouch! (w00t) Will never complain again when I take any tight shoes off :lol:
Urgh why would you want to do that???????? :wacko: :x :x :x
What the.... :eek: ?


That is so wrong :blink:


Tracey X
My grandparents were missionaries in China in the early 1900's (my father was born there in 1918) and one of the things they campaigned for was to stop the binding of baby girls' feet. It was a sign of gentility and wealth (as someone else pointed out) amd the peasants did not bind their baby girls' feet as they would need to work in the fields etc.

I used to have several pairs of beautifully embroidered and beaded silk slippers my grandmother brought back (they are still in Australia with my family) - they are so tiny I could only get my feet into them until I was about 3 (and I have small feet anyway).

Thank goodness it has been banned for many years now, but there are still a few old ladies, like the one shown, and they are usually so proud of their tiny feet.
Its so funny how things are different in other countries isn't it. I couldn't for one minute imagine binding feet, but then in another country its the "norm" strange. How much wud that hurt though?! i wonder how long it took to make the feet like that?