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An odd thing..


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I have a dog staying with me at the moment who wants to go out around 5.30 every morning, she eats a small amount of grass most mornings but not all and then heaves it up with a mouthful of yellow bile, have a wee then back to bed. She's done this 4 mornings out of 5 so far. I have informed the owner who said it's not uncommon for them to wake up to a small amount of bile in hall some mornings. Other than this odd thing she is perfectly fine, eating, pooping, playing etc. I thought it was like us waking up with indigestion maybe. I did google this in dogs and read about acid reflux but she has absolutely none of the other symptoms they list. The other thing is that maybe her stomach is empty and she just needs her breakfast maybe? She is a total food hound! She does eat twice a day and is on a complete food, Arden Grange. Just wondered if anyone had encountered this before? And yes vets is an option for the owner if it persists;)
We had a rescue lurcher who was like this. Our vet suggested he was 'very sensitive'! But yes a little snack did the trick.
Cool, thanks. I do give her a few small bedtime biscuits but maybe I'll try feeding her a bit later too and save a bit of her dinner kibble for supper.
Hooray! So far so good, I save a third of her tea kibble and give it to her at bedtime and this morning I actually got a lie in until 7.30!! And no bile... I swear she knows her tea is short though, you can feel her confusion as she finishes it a bit quicker than usual:D. Thanks for advice..
Glad its working. My boys have always had a biscuit when then come in from their last walk at night.