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An Aussie BIS


a totally addicted
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HI - a have a little trumpet I'd like to blow.

On the 12th April my Layla - Ch Aslan Sensationalism - was awarded Best in Show at a *tiny* country all breeds show. However - the ribbon doesn't say how many dogs were there - it just says BEST IN SHOW - and that's good enough for me. :D
:D Well Done :D

As you say, its not the numbers there, but the award that counts. Keep up the good work! :D :D
:D Congratulations, it's lovely to receive top honours, have you stopped grinning yet!

Well done Lana. Just out of interest, what do you call "tiny" though??? The UK is pretty 'tiny' compared to Australia!
This was miniscule. It was in the outback of my state, 14 hrs away from the coast where I live. A very large ming town but not a large dog show fraternity. I drove there to deliver a pup as I couldn't get a direct flight for him and thought I would do a show there as well to break the trip. I don't want to say how many dogs - 'cause you will all laugh. :b 'Specially seeing that at your SYWC I went to there were 240 whippets alone!!!! Let me just say there were fewer dogs than that and this was an all-breeds show. I did say it was only a little trumpet I was blowing - actually it's probably a piccolo. ;)
LOL!! That is not the spirit Lana you must have PMA (Positive Mental Attitude)........even if there was only two of you, you still beat the other one!!!
LOL, I'm glad you explained what PMA is Dessie, for a moment I thought it was something to do with pms......

Still very well done Lana, the judge on the day preferred yours, over all the over breeds, so it isn't a piccolo, or a trumpet, more a tuba sized win!

Well done.

OH don't get me wrong - I'm proud - very proud - But I also realise that other dogs get bests in show at MUCH bigger shows.

IF you'll allow me to do a little brag - that was her second Best in Show - She has also had one at an Open Show and she has also had a Reserve in Show at a decent sized all breeds show. She has been Whippet of the Year in our local pointscore comp twice. She is only 3 years old - I think she has a bright future. She's my shining light anyway.
I think she looks really good Lana and can easily understand how she could take BIS. She would do well over here Im sure.
Thank you so much Karen! That's my "warm-fuzzy" for the day :D
Congratulations Lana on your BIS with Layla- doesn't matter how big or small- a BIS is a BIS. Hope to see you down in Sthn Qld soon.


Gary and Jo
aslan said:
OH don't get me wrong - I'm proud - very proud - But I also realise that other dogs get bests in show at MUCH bigger shows. IF you'll allow me to do a little brag - that was her second Best in Show - She has also had one at an Open Show and she has also had a Reserve in Show at a decent sized all breeds show.  She has been Whippet of the Year in our local pointscore comp twice.  She is only 3 years old - I think she has a bright future.  She's my shining light anyway.
well done and congrats, lovely pic, i have a dog coming out in may that has almost identical markings and is very similar but masculine, regards tina