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An Apology

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Tony Taylor

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I've really no interest in arguing with people who have nothing better to do than incite trouble. Particularly those that are so dim as to publish what they do on Face book. However given the problems being caused in the Chit Chat by certain members that were spilling over into other forums prior to FAO being closed (which was closed by Admin) I was asked to help out. As it happens admin deleted posts without issuing any warnings.

Despite using exactly the same tactics as they themselves had used the usual suspects failed to see what was happening.

Learning difficulties was brought in as a sacred cow to allow a bit of bulling to go on from the “moral high ground" in my view. Given the learning difficulties of myself and others who are frankly no one else business, fraudulent political correctness won't wash with me.

To the post;

"Persons with learning difficulties are entitled to a voice but in only in a suitable place and context." Consider what this means. It's factually correct and actually applies equally to persons without learning difficulties.

"Such persons are not allowed to vote for the same reason they are not allowed to perform neurosurgery or fly aircraft." Consider what this means. Using a sixth form literary ploy I've distanced this comment from any reference to "learning difficulties". I'd suggest this sentence is non sequitur and that was my intention. Of course those that want to believe it's an insult to those with learning difficulties won't bother to try and understand but would rather jump to conclusions based on their own prejudice. You might want to research the use of the word "such" in the English language. Certain readers might feel the term "such persons" implies people with learning difficulties but no such connection has been given by me.

"It would appear that K9 does allow those with learning difficulties to have a voice but it would be unreasonable to expect those with a three digit IQ to given their utterances any weight."

I've not excluded those with learning difficulties and average or above average IQs from failing to give any weight to those not of that IQ level.

In truth using the concept of learning difficulties to expose the hypocrisy and stupidity of a certain clique is a bit crass and for that I do apologize. No doubt the irony will be lost on many. Frankly if you're so stupid as to believe I'm insulting those with learning difficulties then the problem isn't of my making.
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