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Was in a shop queuing today when I overheard a student talking to her boyfriend-

She was telling him that there was a link with people using alluminium

pans/utensils and alzeimers disease.....?

In the establishment where she worked all alluminium pans etc. were banned :blink:

Anyone heard about this before?

Too late for us...all my pans/baking trays are alluminium :lol:

and I've a mouth full of fillings........
Checked it out and apparently it is unlikely ...............

Quote from research paper

"No-one really understands the cause (or causes) of Alzheimer's disease. Genetic inheritance may play a part and it does seem that a rare early onset form of the disease is inherited in a few families.

Scientists have also suggested that environmental factors such as virus infections, toxins, head injuries and metabolic disorders may be involved. No-one really knows for sure.

Some people think that one of the clues to the mystery may lie in aluminium. There is circumstantial evidence linking aluminium with Alzheimer's disease. But it is impossible to say so far whether aluminium may be a cause of Alzheimer's disease, although it is looking less and less likely."

I think it is mainly genetic but it does seem more prevalent these days, although that may be because we hear more about it than we did 30 years ago :unsure:

Just got back from a walk-made myself some mushroom soup in my alu. pan at peace-Lol
