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All You 'creatives' Out There....


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I want to paint a small low level wall to make it look like a bus in one of our school playgrounds.....

Its a fairly smooth wall-greyish/white in colour.

I've just bought a large pot of vinyl matt emulsion-colour- fire red! at a very reasonable hope this will be ok for the surface???

Does anyone out there know if it will be ok? please

Also-we are about to throw out some 'buckets' of powder paint......

we just don't use this stuff anymore-anyone have any 'other' creative ways to use it-apart from the obvious?

How about mixing the powder paint with pva glue and making some pretty cards. That way when the littlies make a mess with the glue it looks creative!
The Last school year I worked in reception and loved it (now in year 4 :( ).

we let the children mix there own powder paint when they wanted topaint they realy enjoyed this, made such a mess but we ecoradged them to cleen up on there own to witch they allso enjoyed giveingthem some independence we went through

loads of it. hope this helps.


Come on please...someone must know if vinyl emulsion will be ok on an outside wall... :unsure:
when i painted the stables in my moment of madness i used some old vinyl paint i had left over which was ok but didnt last as long as good old masonary paint depends when you want to re paint :)
Not that I can claim to be highly creative, but I have painted quite a lot of exterior walls. If you want a good lasting result you will need to use masonery paint. There are quite a few colours now, if you can not get the colour you need, I think a DIY store with Dulux mixing may be able to custom mix for you or buy some pigment and experiment.
As a painterxdecorator for 20 odd year's,i might qualify as someone who can help here.Bad new's ,im affraid,unless the paint is exterior emulsion.It would flake in a matter of week's if the weather turn's nasty,and would run of the wall's like a whippet,if the rain get's at it.Get some Weathershield,or a good brand of exterior paint,like Johnston's or Mc Phearson's.If i was over there i could probibly give enough to paint the whole school for nowt,as we have to pay big bob's now,to have all our exess paint incinerated.It can run into a £1.OOO,at time's.At the mo,the store is full of the stuff.There's also a load left from a school job,that was used for painting snake's n ladder's n stuff,and hop scoth game's on the school play ground's.Wish you could have the lot.
jgear said:
Not that I can claim to be highly creative, but I have painted quite a lot of exterior walls.  If you want a good lasting result you will need to use masonery paint.  There are quite a few colours now, if you can not get the colour you need, I think a DIY store with Dulux mixing may be able to custom mix for you or buy some pigment and experiment.
I agree here about the masonery paint,but Dulux.Good brand,but way,way,over priced.I used 2 gallon of the stuff a few week's ago,in a kid's bedroom,and before i had the rest of the house painted,one of the kid's had drawn on the wall's,Good job i kept the surplus.£32.00 per 5 litre's.As good a paint can be had for £12.00 a shout.Johnstone's would be my choice.
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thanks folks..... :cheers:

I'll opt for the masonry paint-

:oops: have to find another job for my newly purchased emulsion