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Air Kongs


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there are air kongs new on ebay at the moment does anyone no if they are any good or do they get mess up with them being made out of tennis ball material all advise welcome as i have never ad knogs of any kind before thanks :lol:
whippets said:
there are air kongs new on ebay at the moment does anyone no if they are any good or do they get mess up with them being made out of tennis ball material all advise welcome as i have never ad knogs of any kind before thanks :lol:
Air kongs are toys rather than things you put food in. They're great - my crew loves them, but to chase rather than to occupywhen alone. They're great because when you throw them they bounce in all different directions due to the shape and it keeps them on their toes.

Hope this helps.

Dunno if this is any use to you, but in my experience anything made out ot tennis ball type stuff usually ends up bald in a week although I have not tried this type of Kong toy. I assume this is the same lot that make the red rubber Kong toys and those I cant recommend highly enough as they are very durable and well designed. For outdoor use, our favourite is the Kong fribee which is very gentle on the mouth & has out lasted at least 4 other normal frisbees.
The final resting place of Alfie's last air kong -_-


Alfie certainly liked chasing it across the park! :- "
Thanks for the advise i thought they were the ones you put food in, i wondered why they were cheap! :lol:

going to try and get a rubber one which you put food in tomorro what size do i need for a 16 month old whippet? :blink:

appart from peanut butter and the proper stuff what else makes a good (not too messy) filling?

thanks whippets :p

ps i like the pic lol! :thumbsup:
LasVegasNo1 said:
The final resting place of Alfie's last air kong -_-

Alfie certainly liked chasing it across the park! :- "

Aww - poor Alfie - losing his kong :( Kobi could have waded in and got that easily :lol: :lol:

Oscar likes his black kong from Pets at Home - especially filled with biscuits :lol: or whippets - you could try pate - my two love it.
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The actual toys you put food in are great as you can get on with normal life for 10 minutes whist entertaing your dog at the same time. I put allsorts in mine, chicken being the favourite and pate lasting the longest!
boothros said:
The actual toys you put food in are great as you can get on with normal life for 10 minutes whist entertaing your dog at the same time. I put allsorts in mine, chicken being the favourite and pate lasting the longest!
TJ likes Allsorts .................. ate a whole bag when I left him in the car once!!! :- "
Well we walked ALL the way down to the pet shop to get a kong for molly and guess what?.... it was shut for easter!!!!!! :angry:

so we had to walk ALL the way back with no kong!!(in the pouring rain so as you can imagen it was extreamly difficult to get molly down there full stop, she almost legged me over twice trying to avoid the puddles which were everywhere!) :teehee:

going to try and go pets at home later wish me luck, hope i get one eventually! :thumbsup: