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Agressive Dog

Lisa S

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We walk Jambo down our local fields and a couple of months he got into a fight with a pointer dog which to be fair was a bit of both but was fairly nasty as the other dog bit right through a double thickness leather collar that Jambo was wearing so it meant business and definately came out on top as it's such a big dog.

We did not see it again until 2 weeks ago when we immediately put Jambo on his lead but the other owner did not put his dog on the lead and as we walked past this dog just lunged itself straight at Jambo and tried to attack him - thank god my OH was with me and he was desperately trying to let Jambo off his lead while this dog was trying to attack - I really kicked this dog twice hard in the ribs and Jambo slipped his collar and ran just as the man finally got hold of his dog. I ran after Jambo while OH was telling this man in no uncertain terms that he should have put his dog on a lead. Poor little Jambo was stood a little way off looking and whimpering. Anyway we were out this morning and saw this dog coming and I shouted to them to put it on a lead (as it is always so far in front of the owners) and again they tried to walk past and this flaming dog double backed and started to run towards Jambo growling - OH picked him up this time and just as I was going to kick the sh*t out of the flaming thing they grabbed it - the women proceeded to say "he is fine with most dogs and he only does that with one other dog" but I will look out for you next time - I cannot say how enraged I am but frightened at the same time as this dog could do serious damage and both times I have been with OH but if I am on my own I would not be too sure that I could handle this dog. Two dogs having a go at each other is fair enough but this horrible dog goes out of its way to try and attack my dog.

I was thinking about putting a body spray or similar into my bag to spray it in the eyes but think I may get done for that - does anyone else have anything they use as a deterrant or any ideas?
take a walking stick with you hun ,that way you can batter it ,it flamming gets me so mad wen people dont put there dogs on leads when they seeing others are doing so , iv had the same experience a dog trying to grab my poppy but i let go of the boys leads and they ragged it stupid ,the women would probaly make shure her dog was on a lead after that i would hope ,but hey you no some people :rant:
I would like a quid for every time this sort of thing happens , you could get another dog ( We have four here and they would all die for each other) they will act as a pair . Mace would be good but you will look like someone off Dog the Bounty Hunter .Have also seen sonic devices but thought that might be affecting your own dog .Hang on will have a look .
You can get a spray in pets at home . It's just compressed air but maybe it would scare him off . The can is not too big so it would be easy to carry . Some dog owners are just idiots :(

The spray is called Pet corrector
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Thanks for the replies guys. I am quite shocked at myself as to how angry I was with this dog (and its stupid owners) as I kicked it really hard and was ready to do the same again today which is really out of character for me as I do anything to avoid confrontation in other ways but I would do whatever is needed to protect my dog as he is really vunerable with this horrible flaming dog around.

Nicky, my Dad bought me a stick last xmas but I don't think it would be put off with a stick as it seems so determined to get him.

Dar Khan, thanks for the link but it does not ship outside the USA but I would like to get hold of something that is available in this country that would temporarily disable the dog so that we could get away.
You can get a spray in pets at home . It's just compressed air but maybe it would scare him off . The can is not too big so it would be easy to carry . Some dog owners are just idiots :( The spray is called Pet corrector
Yes some dog owners are idiots but shit will happen ,often!
I did a bit of a google and found this:

CS spray, mace and pepper spray are classed as offensive weapons and are illegal to buy, carry or use in the UK and carries a five year prison sentence

I guess that is why the company won't supply pepper spray outside the US. Damn. There must be other unpleasant sprays that would put off an attacking dog, I agree that we shouldn't have to put up with aggressive dogs attacking or threatening our animals. :angry:
even a pepper spray? :eek: yes of course, I keep forgetting that we are not allowed to protect ourselves and our loved ones in this country...
I did a bit of a google and found this:
CS spray, mace and pepper spray are classed as offensive weapons and are illegal to buy, carry or use in the UK and carries a five year prison sentence

I guess that is why the company won't supply pepper spray outside the US. Damn. There must be other unpleasant sprays that would put off an attacking dog, I agree that we shouldn't have to put up with aggressive dogs attacking or threatening our animals. :angry:
crikey, 5 year prison sentence! I'd better not smuggle some into the country then ;) I am going to try the pet corrector as Hula suggested as I had no idea about it but just worried in case it will effect my dog?
if you dont shake it too hard before spraying it will only release air if you shake it hard you will get a high pitched noise which might startle your dog but not as much as the other dog attacking it
When you go walking, take a walking stick. They are very useful. If you look around you can get different types, some reasonably priced. I got a good one in a second hand/antiqes shop, nice and sturdy with a heavy brass handle which is comfortable to carry. could take a bigger, meaner dog with you and see how they react then.
When you go walking, take a walking stick. They are very useful. If you look around you can get different types, some reasonably priced. I got a good one in a second hand/antiqes shop, nice and sturdy with a heavy brass handle which is comfortable to carry. could take a bigger, meaner dog with you and see how they react then.
When you go walking, take a walking stick. They are very useful. If you look around you can get different types, some reasonably priced. I got a good one in a second hand/antiqes shop, nice and sturdy with a heavy brass handle which is comfortable to carry. could take a bigger, meaner dog with you and see how they react then.
Or, for free, you can cut a straight piece of hazel that has a fork at the top (for your thumb to rest in) from a hedge. 8)
When you go walking, take a walking stick. They are very useful. If you look around you can get different types, some reasonably priced. I got a good one in a second hand/antiqes shop, nice and sturdy with a heavy brass handle which is comfortable to carry. could take a bigger, meaner dog with you and see how they react then.
Or, for free, you can cut a straight piece of hazel that has a fork at the top (for your thumb to rest in) from a hedge. 8)
I like the idea of having a fork in the top but it wouldn't be for my thumb as I would stab the horrible thing with it! We changed our route for a few days but went back to the fields yesterday and spent all the time stressed to hell swivelling our necks in case we saw it, which we did not but saw lots of other really nice dogs that he had a play with. It really does spoil it as you just cannot relax and enjoy your walk :rant: He is friends with a couple of GSDs so I may just borrow them for an hour :- but they are not very mean at all but look the part!

Thanks for the replies x