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Aggressive springer


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My 6month old ess has just started biting when its underneath a chair/table or anything it can get under ??she really has changed her behaviour towards me and the rest of the family,would be that she lives in a dog crate??or is it because she might be coming into season??please help it worrys me because i have children visting quite often please help
Hi Easyrider, welcome to DogForum :)

When you say that she lives in a crate, how much of the time is she in there? What does she have to stimulate her there and in life in general? How much exercise and chance to stretch her legs does she get?

Sorry to ask so many questions, but it could be anything from boredom to the fact that at 6 months she's teething and chair legs are a very tempting thing to chew if you're teething.

What happens in the 2 minutes before she bites? Does she bite legs and feet, or just hands when you fuss her? How badly does she bite? Does she draw blood? Multiple punctures?

With dogs there really should be different terms for all of the different descriptions for when dogs' teeth make contact with humans. There's biting because they mean it (and that is usually because of either fear or aggression of one sort or another) but then there's also biting and nipping because they're playing, and if that's the case then treating her as an aggressive dog won't help one bit. She's at the age to be playing but just not controlling her mouth in the way that an older dog would have learned how to do and it could be mouthing that's not intended to be a bite at all.

If she means to bite then she will be leaving holes every time she bites- if she's not drawing blood and leaving holes it's because she doesn't want to do that.

At 6 months she's very much still a baby, although she's a big baby with a mouth full of brand new big teeth that can do damage. If she's mouthing then the solution to that is different to a dog that's biting through fear or aggression so it's important that this is understood. Either way round there are loads of things that you can do to train her out of this, especially bearing in mind that she's still such a little puppy,