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Aggression towards other dogs


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Have a JRT who is quiet and well behaved in the house. However my partner took him to another house for the first time where he was meeting new people and where there was 2 dogs. My partner said that our JRT was trying to bite the other dogs as well as growling and barking at them. One of the dogs is a westie and the other is a german shepherd and he went for both of them numerous times. I was just looking for some advice on how we can train him to be better behaved around other dogs. He isn't a vicious dog towards us at all but would bark if someone outside surprises him, he is fine though when the person comes over and pets him. I'm just worried that if he continues to go for other dogs that he may end up going for a child.
Most aggression is based on fear. The dog is trying to drive away the scary thing. If your dog was not well socialised, as a young pup, he will feel fear when he sees things later in life.

If you are visiting the GSD and Westie again try to take them all out for a walk first. Meet them outside and at a bit of distance from each other. Gradually your dog should get used to the other dogs. It does not mean that he will get used to all other dogs though.

Children are another thing entirely. If, again, he was not socialised as a puppy with children then he may be fearful of them and so try to drive them away by showing aggression. Dogs do not have morals and do not know it is wrong to be aggressive. It is just a natural instinct to protect themselves.

You may like to take detailed advice, on how to help your dog, from a professional dog behaviourist. Only use one that is registered with either COAPE or the APBC.

In the meantime keep him away from children. More importantly, keep children away from him. Parents can be stupid at times! Give him lots of distance from things he fears, like other dogs, so that he can learn to relax more around them.
I would recommend 3 things ( They helped me with my dog ) 1.Anti bark spray pretty good though doesent work on all dogs. 2.Anti bark collar NOT THE ONE THAT PUTS VOLTS ON YOUR DOG The best one is the one with sound and vibration : Last idea is to Hire a personal behaviourist but only if its on all dogs if its only for those 2 dogs ten its normal , like humans dogs dont like some dogs .

Greetings from me and Niko :luck:

Do be careful using any anti bark devices as they can convince your dog that something unpleasant happens to them around other dogs. They then get more fearful and it all makes the problem worse. It suppresses rather than cures the problem and then it rears its ugly head some other time.

Remember if he is already fearful they could make him worse.
I agree with gypsysmum the anti bark spray collar is just masking a problem even if it works and worst case scenario is it may make things a LOT worse!

Do not try this, instead try the neutral ground meeting technique and possible some behavior/ training classes to get him more socialised to other dogs.
Hi there, I am TV Producer producing one of a series of films for BBC 3 about dogs. The film will follow a leading animal behaviourist help dog owners who are struggling with their dogs. If you love your dogs but are struggling with its behaviour - whether its dog on dog aggression, showing signs of human aggression, disobedience or anything else that is beginning to wear you down please do get in touch; it would be great to discuss your dog's issues and the methods our animal behaviourist uses and whether they could work for you. My email is Thank you!
Please don't use anti bark devices ..a bark is a warning if you train this out of them they wont issue a warning and will go straight to the next level which could be a bite !! Do not take away your dogs ability to communicate their feelings and fears