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Advises needed for collar/ harness and behavior


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Happy New Year to All!

A new year started, make something new to change from bad habits.

It might be a repeat and repeated topic, however I need you all generous advises like always.

I am looking for a training aids for my 4 years old husky boy- Charcoal, he has been using Hunter Retriever Slip Lead, chocker collar and an anti-pull harness. However the result is not pleasant. Gradually he learnt not to pull so hard, but still pull somehow and the first two training aids isn't gentle at all. So, I have to look up other for him, I can't decide what to go at the moment, Gentle leader/ Canny collar (which suggested by a member in earlier post), or Easy Walk Harness/ Walk your dog with love, would you please kindly share some suggestions?

Another issue I found that Charcoal showing some sign of aggression? (I am not too sure what he is trying to tell actually.) Charcoal and I are the most closest in the house, he would follow me wherever I go in the house, sit or sleep next to me on the floor. However, when my the other half or even my bother(he doesn't live with us) want to pat him when he is under the table or at his bed, he often would make Grrr, Grrr, Grr, it sounds like a pig really. However, Charcoal never shows its teeth and he will just keep Grr going a bit louder and louder.

What to do to correct his Grrr?
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Hi there,

Sounds like your dog is the dominant one in the house which means he has claimed you and the house and if he doesnt want anyone else around he lets them know.

good to know its just growls at this stage but this must stop.

first off the lead situation. Huskies LOVE to run, as you probably already know. Harness is the way forward with huskies and unlike most breeds huskies are bred to pull not follow behind you. You have better control over them and if he does pull excessively you can lift the harness and take his 2 feet off the floor. I did this with my Rotti tank who was 8 stone in weight, he was a big boy and flipping strong one at that and it worked well :)

Sounds daft but if you like to run, take him running. Roller blading or a scooter and take him out for at least 1 hour constantly 3 times a day if you can; he will run or pull you and love it. it will tire him out and then when you do get to the part where you walk with him he will be tired out and he shouldnt pull just trot nicely in front of you.

this may also calm him down at home and make him a little more submissive.

the growling is the next thing. you need to claim your space and show him you and your family members are the bosses not him.

If he growls dont touch him just stand over him and claim that space. he shouldnt do anything just growl and show his teeth as he is doing but will eventually give it up. once he has stopped growling crouch down and repeat the process if he starts again. when crouching down have your back to him dont be face to face. some dogs can take close eye contact as a threat and he could lash out and hurt someone. once he stops dont say anything to him and dont praise him either, just be with/next to him. he may even move away and if he does this is even better. this means that he knows that the space is your space not his, despite it being his bed or any other of his toys etc.

His bed needs to stay downstairs and the sleeping the same room as you must stop. sleeping with you or in the same room he feels like he owns you and the bed etc, hope that makes sense!

you need to have boundaries with him otherwise he will take over your whole house and you will become very unsure of what he will do which will only strengthen his dominance over you and your family.

hope that helps :)

Sophie x