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Advise Please


I Love my Girls
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Dippy isn't a happy bunny this morning.

She's not wanting to walk and when she does, she's not weight bearing on her back right leg. I've manipulated all of her leg and she's not in any discomfort or pain.

The only place that she really doesn't like to be touched is her far right toe on the back right foot...she nipped the OH when touched it but didn't yelp or cry out in pain.

She was rolled a couple of times by my parents springer on last night walk but didn't cry out or yelp at any time last night either.

I have an appointment at the vets tomorrow morning but I'm wondering what it could be anyone got any ideas?????
What are her back muscles like? Are they all tensed up along side her spine? Is the toe swollen? And signs of bruising?
Her back muscles seem fine, I had a feel and she wasn't displaying any sign of pain, no sign of brusing but her toes look swollen.
Sounds like she's knocked a toe/nail have you checked to see if she has anything stuck in her foot bit of wood ect :unsure: Spry once hurt her foot and it seemed to swell up a bit then as quickly it went down and she was fine it was a bit of a mystery really :unsure: sorry no advice really but I'm sure the vet will give you some, hope she gets better quickly :huggles: :luck: :luck:
Nothing stuck in her pads or between her toes.

Her nails look fine, its around the knuckle part of the toe if that makes any sence??
A very simialr thing happened to Archie, it seems he had dislocated his toe and done some ligament damage. It is all healed now, but still has a little swell from time to time. Good luck

Been to the vets this morning and Dippy has a sprained toe, the swelling has come out alot but she's still uncomfortable the vet has given her a course of anti-inflamatory pain killers.