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Advise Needed Please


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Hi Guys,

Just wanted to know if anyone could give me some advise. I have a 14 Month old whippet who seems to graze really easy. it seems that every week he has a new graze on him but im not sure how he is getting them. we can take him for a walk and when we get back we notice he has a graze but ive not noticed he has hurt himself.

Is this normal for whippets as they have thin skin and are skinny or should i take him vets? This is our first whippet so where still learning.

Thanks and hope someone can help :)
Whippets do tend to get cuts and grazes more easily, some more than others. Just keep the grazes clean bathing with salty water and open to the fresh air. Anthing deep that breaks the flesh under the skin may be better looked at by a vet.

You can always ask the vet about this when you are next in to see them for routine jabs.
Hi there

You're right, whippets have skin like paper and can easily be nicked by brambles and such. Mine often run in woodland and only the other day one came back to me with a two inch tear in the skin of his thigh which is going to add to his quota of scars when it's fully healed. But personally I would describe these common wounds as cuts not grazes, to me a graze is a raw patch of skin and that is not something I generally see on my dogs.

Usually little cuts will heal well on their own as long as you make sure that they are clean, but anything more than skin deep should really be seen by a vet as there is a greater risk of infection.

Hope this helps.

They are thinner skinned than most dogs and having such a short coat affords no protection for them.

I have been more than thankful that I insure mine as they have sustained numerous cuts and tears than need stitching - I use the Argos Platinum Plan :thumbsup:
i dont thik i have even come back from a walk were they were off lead without one of mine having a nick or graze somewere. i carry a first aid kit with me now just to be reay for them and it means i dont have to rush off home every time one of them gets a graze
I also carry a small 1st aid kit in a box when out for a walk. It sits in a little shoulder bag I carry that also contains poo bags, house keys and dog biscuits / recall aids and MY inhaler. The only time I really needed it for a nasty injury I did not have it with me. Now I never forget it.


2 non-stick dressings (such as melolin)

1 roll of vetwrap (crepe bandage and safety pin will do)

a couple of antiseptic wipes

micropore tape

I think of it as insurance, if I have it with me, I will not need it.

I also carry my mobile phone so that I can summon help if required. When my dog collapsed and needed urgent treatment, I did not have mine with me, fortunately someone passing by was able to help.
I also have a little portable first aid kit but don't always carry it ... almost without exception though I carry a roll of vet wrap ... it's easy to ram in a jeans pocket and could be used to wrap around a wound to limit bleeding or around a broken limb etc to limit movement, particularly if another limb is used as a splint. The three things I always have with me if I'm running the dogs are car keys, phone and vet wrap.

when you said 'graze' I thought - I have this problem too! My naughty Ivy has just eaten my little girl's sunflower :angry: ....................but, wrong kind of graze!!! :D :D