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Advice Plz?


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I need some advice plz

I had 2 puppies and a couple came to veiw them they came with the whole family, daughter in-law grandma ect...They paid for 1 pup by cash left and then came back asking if they could have the other but they wanted to pay by check so i let them but told them i wouldnt hand ped papers over till it cleared. The check bounced i have the right adress and papers..By law does this dog still belong to me and is it classed as stolen? Are the police allowed to escort if so?

I would contact the police but am not sure weather theywould class it as a civil disput and tell you to go through the smail clames court to get your money back or the pup. have you spocken to the family what have they said about the check bouncing in there anyone that can act as a go betwen to sort this out.
fallenangel said:
I would contact the police  but am not sure weather theywould class it as a civil disput and tell you to go through the smail clames court to get your money back or the pup. have you spocken to the family what have they said about the check bouncing in there anyone that can act as a go betwen to sort this out.

I have spoke to them and they said they would put the money in the bank..But they never. I tried to call them again but they had turned both phones off...They live out of the area i am in. Even tho i have ped papers and the dog is still in my name would it have to go to small claims court?
What a rotten thing to do to you :(

I hope you get it sorted soon.
thats really bad,

hope you can get it sorted, i fear the police will be no use to you, as said before you will probabiy need to take them to the small claims court,

good luck anyway i hopr you can get it sorted :luck:
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I'm no lawyer but I would say since they have not paid for the pup it still belongs to you . Options would be , lawyer , citizens advice , police , go round with OH , male friend etc .

I must say that is a completely rotten thing to do and I would have serious doubts about what sort of home they could provide with people who would do such a thing :(
i would go round with some "friends" :- " give them the money back for the first pup , less your expenses , and take them both !

which area are they in ? may help if you can get a few people to go with you :- "
Sounds to me like they got what they wanted to be honest. Not a very good idea letting the pup go before the cheque had cleared. surely the pup would be more important than the papers :(
saraquele said:
i would go round with some "friends"  :- "    give them the money back for the first pup , less your expenses , and take them both !
which area are they in ? may help if you can get a few people to go with you  :- "

I agree with Sharon on this.

It's better to "get it sorted" yourself than to start going through the "correct channels".

It can take years to come to a conclusion through the courts by which time the pups will

be adults (w00t)

Don't leave it too long tho' - strike while the iron is hot :thumbsup:
What a mess - you must be very worried about these two pups' welfare :(

If they have issued a cheque without funds in the bank to cover it and without any intention of making it good that is fraud. I would definitely contact the police, and perhaps your local CAB for some basic legal advice on where you stand. The fact you still have the papers probably doesn't mean anything with regard ownership, but a 'bounced' cheque is proof that the sale wasn't completed.

My guess is that they are after a quick buck and will try to sell one or both pups on very quickly, so it's worth keeping an eye on your local Freeads paper, Gumtree, Preloved etc to see if they come up for sale.

Hope you manage to get this sorted out and your pups are OK.
If it was me I would do everything it took to get there with a 'friend' and all the documentation, like the letter from the bank about the cheque bouncing etc. I'd also take the cash they paid for the original pup.

As soon as they open the door get my foot in so they can't get me out and push until I was in and then demand the puppies back, handing them the cash for the original one as I said it.

Then, if they refuse, I'd threaten to call 999 and let the police come and see for themselves. If they still refuse, call the police.

When they arrive tell them everything.

Just my opinion of course 8)

As already stated, time is of the essence in a situation like this. If you don't hurry, your pup/s may have already been moved on :(
