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Advice Please


I Love my Girls
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Aimee, my daughter has got a rash on her face, it started out a bit spot like a few days ago.

Its grown and is red and raised...

She has also got a pain in her jaw line which is a few inches down from where the rash is.

Now I'm going to take her to the doctors but was wondering if anyone knew what it could be???



awww poor thing, sorry i dont know, maybe its a allergy of some sort, best get her to the doc's

hope she's ok :huggles: :luck:

by the way..........i love her freckles :huggles:
I suspect this is a coldsore (herpes virus)! They can appear anywhere although they are mainly associated with the lips and nose area and manifest themselves in a cluster of small irritating blisters which, if scratched, will break open and spread the coldsore. It will ultimately scab over and vanish if left alone.

The pain under the jawline is probably a swollen gland, indicating that your daughter's immune system is fighting the virus.

The doc will give you something to put on the coldsore (if that's what it is), but other than that it's just time until the virus is defeated.

Hope it clears up soon :D :luck: :thumbsup:
I had something what looked like this but all over the bottom of my face. Turned out to be impetigo :x if it is this though it spreads quite rapidly so I would've thought she'd have it all over now.

It was horrible, I couldn't stop picking the scabs!!! I didn't leave the house for about 2 weeks except to go to the doctors. Luckily it was in the christmas holidays and by staying in I did really well in my january exams and got a first in my xmas assignment cos I did loads of revision :D pity I didn't get impetigo before all my exams :lol:
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I had something very similar to that on my leg after being bitten by a spider ....Antihistamines (sp) sorted it :luck: :luck:
If they are lttle blister type spots, and she has had Chicken Pox,it could be Shingles (Herpes Zoster). They cause pain too, as they affect a group of nerves. If it is Shingles, she could do with seeing the doctor, as they can turn nasty. Also the doctor will most probably give her something to pain on to the spots, and some pain relief. Doctors can give Acyclovir tablets for Shingles (I had them), but they have to be taken within 24 hours of the spots appearing, so would be too late for your daughter.

I hope she is soon feeling better :huggles:
Looks like impetigo to me, if it is, it is highly contagiou (w00t) s
It is impetigo, her glands are also very swollen, he said they were knotted.

She's now on a course of oral AB's and AB cream.

Thanks to all for replying.
aawww poor love, my daughter has had this :(

glad to hear she now has treatment :thumbsup:
Oooh I should be a doctor! Thats exactly what mine looked like, I ended up making it a lot worse though by picking the scabs. Make sure she doesn't do that, put scratch mittens on her, tie her hands behind her back, anything, just don't let her pick (w00t) I'm joking of course! Hope she gets better soon, mine took about 3 weeks to go completely :luck: