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Chloe my lurcher just seems to hang off my other dogs neck and eventually she's gonna hurt him. My other dog just ignores it and walks round with her on his neck and although i shout at her she just does it again.
Hi Lucas, obviously I'm no canine behavioural expert or owt, some folk say if they ignore you when your shouting at them to stop they think you are actually egging them on...which I suppose makes some sense. :teehee:

Dont think I'd find it acceptable behaviour either, so if she was doing it in the house I'd put her out of the room for 5 minutes without saying a word...just collar/scruff out. Let her back in in she does the same out again till she gets the message its not on...if its happening outside, without a word get her back on the lead asap, everytime she does it, could be a long process I know :( but should work in the long run if you stick to it.

Hopefully others will perhaps have faster techniques for you.