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Advice Please Any Ideas?


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Took Duke racing yesterday well trialling he's only been a few times. Not overly intersted in the lure but improving. Didn't appear to over exert himself any more than any other day. took him for his daily run this morning he was fine no lameness but he was reluctant to jump back into the car. Took him for his pm walk no lameness jumped out of the car fine, then went to leave and the same thing happened didn't want to jump up into the car again got home wouldn't jump onto the sofa. i have done all the usual checks stretched his back legs poked and prodded no sign of any discomfort, its really weird. He is fine in himself woofed his food down as usual but he isnt right. I'm not sure if he's pulled or torn something? its so unlike him not to jump either into the car or onto the sofa. I have given him metacam as I feel he's defo done something either muscular or skeletial. if he doesnt improve I think we'll be visiting his least fav person Mr vet. Anybody else got any ideas or advice.
He looked fine yesterday, but sometimes little strains or muscle tears don't become evident straight away. I'm not sure what colour his skin is inside his legs, but check for muscle injuries by going over the muscles feeling for any differences from one side to the other. Look for any bruising on the insides of his legs - gracilis tears are common. It might just be that he tried harder yesterday, and so is a little sore today. He really did look like he went for it. I know in the first run he did pull up and look for you, but once he was confident you were still there, he took off after the lure quite happily. :luck: Good luck, and I hope it's just a little soreness which is normal when they exert themselves that bit extra than normal free running.
thanks June, :thumbsup: , Well I've just taken him out this morning, lead exercise only, i cant find anything obvious after checking him over again i think you're right he's probably a bit stiff from Sunday. its so hard to see how fast a dog is going when you are standing behind them maybe I didn't ralise how fast he was travelling ? i'm not used to it he normally isn't one for over exerting himself being a couch potato lol. The only time I've ever seen him really open up is when he caught that rabbit :sweating: . i think we'll just have to take it a day at a time and keep him on the lead until he's better.

cheers Sue x
I hope Duke is back to his usual self now :huggles: