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Advice on tummy trouble


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Hi Rolo has been getting diarrhoea since Sunday , it only happens after his tea rest of the day his poo is fine. I reduced his meals yesterday to smaller ones ( recommended by the breeder) and he didn't even poo last night, so today i slightly increased it not fully though and went out with him tonight and he got diarrohea! The breeder said he might need wormed or hes getting overfed? Could it also be teething problems? I worry over things really easily and im stumped something says feeding to much but why would it happen now? Sorry if i talk to much lol any help would be appreciated x
Does he seem fine in himself? Is his appetite normal and is he drinking? Is he pooing more times than usual? What do you feed him, and how much are you giving him compared to the packet guidelines?

Is he up to date with his worming? If not, it would be worth doing so - or use a worm checking service like Wormcount. They can pick up on some other nasties in the poo too.

Assuming there's no other signs of illness and he's not squitting all the time, I'd be tempted to put him on something bland like boiled chicken & rice for a few days. If there's no change I'd go to the vet, if he improves I'd reintroduce his normal food and see what happens...
@JudyN thanks for replying.
He's fine in himself nothing different, eating, drinking all ok. He eats Harrington puppy food all mine have, i was feeding 114grams twice daily but cut back to 110 grams today the bag says up to 10kg 200-400g daily? I think. He isnt pooing more than usual.
He was wormed last week Advocate i do have prazitel plus in the house for next time.
I thought bland diet as well. The only thing different tonight in his tea was a boiled egg. I'll see how he goes over the weekend and if he isnt better I'll take him to my vet's unless he gets worse I'll pop round tomorrow.
Could it be a side effect of the wormer?
He's not been too well so im just going to head to my vet's in half an hour x
Hope he's OK - keep us updated.
Rolo is all better now thank goodness, he got given a jag and settled down quickly. Then Marley got the diarrhoea and passed blood, his temp was at 40.5 he was given a jag and antibiotics . He seems a lot better now.
Nothing but worry!
Ah, thanks for letting us know - I'm glad he's better now and that Marley is on the mend.