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Advice Needed Regarding Trouble-making Local Resident


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I have a problem with a near neighbour which started back in 2001.

I live in an extremely rural area which centres around farming etc and this couple retired here around 9 years ago. One of the first things they did was inform everyone in the neighbourhood of their life history, including the fact that their first spouses had died and that they were married (as if I care) amongst various other personal information.

I finally lost my temper with the woman when she accused me of spreading foot and mouth virus with my horse!!!! I didn't keep any cloven footed stock at that time and the horse was a fit racehorse who couldn't be shut up in a stable or turned out in a field, so I had to ride her half a mile up the lane to the local indoor riding school to exercise her!!!!! I have not spoken to them since.

Numerous other scenarios have occurred over the last 8 years but now it has got to the point of no return ..............................

When I exercise my horse, my GSD comes with me. She is no problem and we ride around single track country lanes and bridle paths.

This local resident goes out jogging. On several occasions recently I have had the misfortune to meet her on the lane when I am riding the horse out with my dog. For some reason my dog sees her as a threat and barks at her. Nothing more, just barks. I have tried to ask the woman to avoid eye contact with Rio (my dog) but yesterday morning she was jogging up the lane as I was riding down and she just stopped in the middle of the lane and "eyeballed" Rio.

Of course, the result of this challenge was to cause Rio to bark at her, again! Despite my asking her to keep moving and avoid eye contact with my dog, she turned on the dog and hissed at her, which made her worse and she barked at her again. I'm pretty sure she is doing it purposely to cause trouble for me.

I am now at my wits end with this woman because I have had a note put through my door from the local police who want to talk to me about my dog!! I have researched the law and there has been no physical contact between my dog or this woman, only barking, and I do not urge Rio to do this. In fact, I call her away! So I am at a loss to know why the police are getting involved? :(

Over the past few years, this woman and her husband have continuously walked past my property and aggravated all my dogs by throwing sticks over the gate at them. I managed to stop this in the end, but not without abuse from her husband who shouted that he wasn't doing any harm!!!! :angry:

The bottom line here is that this couple have moved here from a town and have little idea of country life. I am not the only local person who they have caused trouble for but this situation is threatening Rio so I am naturally concerned.

Has anyone got any ideas about how to combat this situation in some way? Rio is perfectly well controlled and will walk to heel with my horse, but when this woman starts to aggravate her I can't do much about stopping her barking at her! :(
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What a horrible situation. I imagine the police have got involved because this woman has reported that the dog is barking 'agressively'. In law "Any dog is dangerously out of control if it injures a person, or it behaves in a way that makes a person worried that it might injure them". Which with some idiots means that every dog could be deemed dangerously out of control. I would hope that if you explain to the police that Rio only barks at this woman because of the woman's previous behaviour toward the dog that they would understand where the fault lies. Alternatively could you muzzle Rio when there is any danger that this woman is about ... it's hard to argue that a dog is a danger when muzzled ... and you could always say that the muzzle is to stop Rio eating junk off the ground if anyone suggests that she needs it for any other reason.

I really feel for you ... we had idiots who moved here from the town and then complained because the tractors going down the lane at 6 am were disturbing them, complained because the road was messy where the cattle crossed, complained about the smell of muck spreading, etc. etc. I think they thought the countryside was one big theme park. Locally we resorted to laughter, and after a few months of having their idiocy treated with derision and being talked to in the shop and post office as if they were a bit slow they do seem to have backed off. Would that work in your community?

I do hope that you can get this sorted.

I would invite the police round to meet you. Explain about the stick throwing etc. Get character refernces for yourself and log ANY incidents between them and you. Could you ride at a different time/place? Write a polite letter offering to do this and keep a copy.

Don't people just make you SICK.
I agree with Juley I would speak to the Police as soon as you can, explain about the stick throwing and give your side of the story. If anyone should understand that German Shepherds bark the Police should.

Good Luck and keep positive.

Thats sounds awful, id hate that to be me (sorry) :lol:

I agree i think you should invite the police in if they come to the door, let them see the dog and how friendly she is, then let them no the trouble this women has caused you, and what happens when you out on the horse. I dont think the police could do anything to you your horse or dog, because this women hasnt been attcked in anyway.
Oh Jane, I hate to hear of lovely people like you having problems with irrational, idiotic people like that :angry:

Can't offer much advice bar what previous posters have, be proactive in talking to the police, you have done nothing wrong, and go a different route sometimes maybe for a peaceful life for you (but not to have let the silly cow win)

Be strong, stay positive, and if all else fails we'll all go along to sort her out in July :thumbsup: (w00t)
so sorry to hear this jane , please write all you can do in as much detail as you can , also as said before invite the police to both join you at home and on the said ride , ask them to dress out of uniform if possible whilst out on the track , so its a general bystander seeing it all , maybe also write her a letter informing her of how she is affecting your life and that should this not stop you will be taking legal action against her , all very politely of course and explain how you never wish for any ill feeling but that she is in fact creating issues which have no place in todays society and that you would love to get along blah blah blah , worth a try , good luck hun xx
How horrible for you! I agree with Julie and Tanya. I'd invite the police to meet your dog and explain the situation as you have on here. :luck: :luck:
:( aww jane i feel your pain hun ,wev got new neighbours (moved in 4weeks ago and what used to be a nice quiet place has turned into a living hell (screaming all hours people bk and forth iv had police at my door 10pm last saturday night asking if some bloke had run into my house he had run into next door ,then 5.30 the following morning some pissed women knocked me out bed looking for next door then they stared with the noise at 9am that morning her kids chucking bread rolls over the fence ,so i kindly asked her to stop them doing it cause i didnt want the dogs eating them ,and she got upaty about it then i was out the front seeing my dad off and his girlfriend wen the fella of the house came outa the house and my dads girlfriend instantly new who they were aparently they sell drugs (speed)amphetamins ,didnt put 2 and 2 together but now it makes sence loads of people bk and forth there just staying 5mins (to pick up there drugs )so now iv been gathering all the evidence i can for our landlord ,but im really concerned cause these type of people always seek revenge :( hope you can sort your neighbours out hun xx
Easy Jane......trample her with your horse and bury her

down the lane. Then set Clair on her old man in July :lol:
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No it will stink and attract flies......bury her :lol:
What a horrible situation for you ... I hope you can get it all sorted out with the police soon :luck:
Oh Jane

Its horrible when there is bad feeling around you :angry:

I can only say that I agree with talking to the police and writing everything down

Hope this can be resolved soon xxx
Sorry Jane havent any advice for you :( But it seems like what has been said sounds good :)

Goog Luck :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
Oh jane what a horrible situation for you :( can't really offer any better advice than you have already been given on here ;) although i think

ann's idea is favourite at the moment hun :- :lol: :lol: :lol:

I do hope you get it sorted out very soon :thumbsup: if not as clair said we will all sort her out in july (w00t) :lol: :lol:
What a horrible situation, I think every village has its trouble makers and idiots :angry: Could you record this on your phone as evidence?? I would be worried for Rio in this situation, it is always the dog that gets punished, even if it is your neighbour who is at fault :rant:
We have difficult neighbours. I live in a row of 6 cottages, 1 our friends, 2 us, 3 empty, 4 the horrors, 5 friends as is 6. They wanted my greyhound putting to sleep because she flies at the back gate barking and growling at them, their Cane Corso and their kids.

We have been to police mediation because they caused so much trouble. The dog stuff happened after that. The police had a complaint from these people about my dogs. So they came round and met the aggressive greyhound who nearly wagged her tail off she was so pleased to see them, none of them barked, so that told the police my dogs are not aggressive.

We now have signed a contract. they don't speak to us and vici versa, not a nice way to have to live. No one on the row speaks to this family anymore. They have informed us they are here for good and we had better get used to it.

My greyhound has to have an anti bark collar on when we go out because they torment her and the others, rattling the gate.

So Jane contact the police, explain the situation, get them to meet you and your dogs. Tell the what this woman is doing to you dogs and yourself. I am sure they will have words with this person.

One thing to be aware of, they will get a counter claim from this woman, I know because our trouble maker when we made a complaint about her, she turned it round and made it look like I was in the wrong.

Ghastly situation, I do feel for you and the very best of luck.

Thanks for all the advice folks, I feel much better now :thumbsup:

Anne - that is an awful situation to have to live in. Your poor dogs!!! :eek:

I am luckier inasmuch as these people live about 20 yards down the lane and I rarely see them (which is a good job as once is too many times as far as I'm concerned!!!)

I have telephoned the police and asked that the constable involved contacts me to arrange a suitable time and date to come and visit. I have written down a list of the inflammatory situations which have arisen over the last eight years and he can meet Rio and the others (although I may keep the whippets away from him as they are bound to jump up (w00t) )

I shall also say that I am more than willing to avoid meeting this woman whilst she is out jogging, but she will have to advise me what times and days she is going to be out so that I can ride at a different time (it's the only way we can avoid meeting as there is only one lane running past the houses here and it's just bad luck if we are on it at the same time).

I have also found out that their previous neighbours in Somerset were glad to see the back of them. Apparently all they ever did was slink around the neighbourhood looking for things they could report to the council or the police!!! Sounds like they need a life :lol:

I'll keep you all updated ............. and, if it doesn't work the nice way, I think Ann's suggestion sounds very promising :- :lol: :thumbsup: