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Advice Needed Please


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I would be really grateful for any advice please:

I am privileged to own a whippet bitch called Mabli [welsh for lovable] which came from Rob and Dawn Smith in Oakhampton - she will be 3 years old next April and is the sweetest most lovable girl ever [still totally in love with her Dawn :b ]

About 8 weeks ago I noticed a swelling under her jawbone/neck about 1.5 x 1.5 inches - shaped like a rugby ball and smooth and spongy to touch. At first I thought she had been stung by a wasp or bee as she had been outside in the yard for awhile and she has a habit of chasing flies etc - she wasn't in any discomfit and was acting completely normal. I kept an eye on it for the next few days but it stayed exactly the same and she was still fine in herself. I checked it every day for a fortnight and when absolutely nothing happened I decided to take her to the vet. The vet examined her made a note of how big the lump was and appearance etc and gave me some antibiotics for her - during the examination she mentioned Lymphatic cancer which terrified me and suggested that I come back a 2 days later for another check and to have some blood tests done - I couldn't wait even 2 days for the blood test and asked her to do it then - she took the blood then checked everything - heart, lungs, eyes, ears, behind her front legs and the only thing slightly abnormal was Mabli's temp was raised slightly and she is overweight :b . I had to ring for the results an hour later and the bill was £96.00.

The blood result was completely normal with no signs of excessive calcium [apparent indicator for lymhatic cancer]. I took her back 2 days later after some strong antibiotics - no change and now the vet wanted to take syringe samples - she took 4 samples and said the results would be back in 5 days and she gave her another course of antibiotics and said she would ring with the result - this cost £73.00. She actually rang me within 24hours [she must have feared the worst at this stage to get the lab to rush the results through] - all results were consistent with a normal lymph gland just doing it's job and responding to an infection "somewhere in the body" she asked me to come back in a week after the antibiotics had finished. I went back yesterday - the lump is now more round and harder but no different in size - her temp was still slightly up but that has been consistent from the first visit - again a full check and no other symptoms this cost £42- the vet is now saying surgery may be the only way to find out whats going on but that given that other than antibiotics Mabli has received no other treatment and if it was lymphatic cancer she almost certainly would be near death as it is so aggressive that without treatment the life expectancy is 4 - 8 weeks. I am really against surgery for a number of reasons - it's a big opp and not easy to perform on a whippet, the cost is around £200 and I was really hoping to mate her when she has her next season [around 2 months time] of couse should she not be 100% fit I would not, under any circumstances, do this, and finally I have a real exerience of surgery accelerating any disease.

Mabli is normal in every way - playing, eating well, bright and alert and still killing all her toys as soon as i buy them for her - i couldn't bring myself to let the vet do the surgery so I have an apointment to go back on 22nd Oct to see if there is any change once the antibiotics are out of her system.

Do you think I'm doing the right thing or if it was your precious baby would you have the surgery just in case?

Any advice would be appreciated,


I guess that Mabli is litter sister to Nicky's Tia?? What a lovely litter they are :wub:

Firstly, please try not to worry too much as all the indications are that there isn't a major problem going on. I know that's easier said than done, but sometimes a lymph gland will swell to quite a considerable size when fighting an infection and it can take a very long time for it to return to normal. It is not unusual for the gland to stay swollen permanently (it happens to humans too :thumbsup: )

My advice would be to let nature take it's course right now and play a waiting game. If Mabli is fighting a viral infection, then antibiotics will not make any difference anyway!! If she is behaving normally in every other way, then her immune system is slowly winning the fight :thumbsup:

Secondly, have a chat with Nicky12 who owns Tia, as Tia has had her fair share of problems and Nicky is very knowledgeable about "strange" illnesses which can occur. It always helps to be in touch with someone who knows some of the answers :)

It may help to massage the gland gently which will help to disperse the fluid which has gathered and hardened. The lymphatic system is a drainage system and the gland has "caught" the nasty stuff and has now got to gradually dispose of it over time.

Hang in there and don't push your vet to give you answers as he/she will feel that they must do so and surgery is the next option (not to mention the money which they get for doing it!) If you're not 100% sure of your vet then maybe get a 2nd opinion?

Good luck :luck: , chin up and give Mabli a hug from me :huggles:
Yes that's correct about Mabli being Tia's sister ....

Thanks for your advice Jane - I'm glad someone else thinks it is ok to wait a bit to see what happens. As for me massaging the lump well I do try [i actually check it about 200 times a day lol] you can see the look of "oh my God will someone make my Mum stop feeling my lump" look in Mabli's eyes every time she comes for a cuddle!
Good Luck and best wishes - can't help but hope all turns out well for her :D
I do feel for you, you must be so worried :(

I agree with Jane. It is hard when you are worried, but wait and see. As long as see seems well in herself, it is probably nothing to worry about.

Breeding her in a couple of months if she has had a virus or the lump is still there may not be such a good idea as bitches do need to be in 1st class health before facing the rigours of pregnancy especially if this would be a first litter. I would be wary of putting a big strain like pregnancy on her body if she has an undiagnosed condition. This is however just my opinion. The vet or some of the experienced breeders on the forum would be the best for advice.
To diagnose lymphatic cancer my vet took a few cells out of an enlarged lymph gland and put them under the microscope .

I would wait and see if it was my dog .
Hi lois ,hope shes feeling better today hun ,in my experience with tia i would get a second opinion maybe even a third opinion as it was until the change of vet for the 3rd time that tia was eventualy diagnosed with steroid responsive menangitus ,poor love has really been throu the mill ,but apart from the odd relapse now and again her condition is being controlled by long term steroids medication ,hope they get to the bottom of it soon for you hun its horrible wen ther poorly and they dont no wats wrong with them :( sending mabli gentle hugs :huggles:
So sorry to hear Tia's been poorly - hope everything is ok now....

Honestly Mabli appears to be completely normal - in fact I'm looking at the latest toy "guts" on my bed now lol [that one lasted about 2 hours!!] she has been bouncing around like a loony this morning.....

As for mating her - she's a way off when her season is due but when it comes time if there was ANY chance she wasn't 100% I won't be doing anything.

Thanks for all the replies.
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Hi Lois,nice to hear from you,i,m very sorry to hear about Mabli :( :( its must be very upsetting to see her like that, and i hope it will sort it self out :luck: As you know Tia been poorly,but is doing very well thanks to Nicky's care and getting the best and right treament.If you need to chat antime hun or anything i can do or help in anyway just ask :thumbsup: Sadly Mabli Dad was put to sleep earlier this year :( which we find hard to talk about.It could be just one of these thing with Mabli.

You take care hun :huggles: :huggles:
I would be really grateful for any advice please:I am privileged to own a whippet bitch called Mabli [welsh for lovable] which came from Rob and Dawn Smith in Oakhampton - she will be 3 years old next April and is the sweetest most lovable girl ever [still totally in love with her Dawn :b ]

About 8 weeks ago I noticed a swelling under her jawbone/neck about 1.5 x 1.5 inches - shaped like a rugby ball and smooth and spongy to touch. At first I thought she had been stung by a wasp or bee as she had been outside in the yard for awhile and she has a habit of chasing flies etc - she wasn't in any discomfit and was acting completely normal. I kept an eye on it for the next few days but it stayed exactly the same and she was still fine in herself. I checked it every day for a fortnight and when absolutely nothing happened I decided to take her to the vet. The vet examined her made a note of how big the lump was and appearance etc and gave me some antibiotics for her - during the examination she mentioned Lymphatic cancer which terrified me and suggested that I come back a 2 days later for another check and to have some blood tests done - I couldn't wait even 2 days for the blood test and asked her to do it then - she took the blood then checked everything - heart, lungs, eyes, ears, behind her front legs and the only thing slightly abnormal was Mabli's temp was raised slightly and she is overweight :b . I had to ring for the results an hour later and the bill was £96.00.

The blood result was completely normal with no signs of excessive calcium [apparent indicator for lymhatic cancer]. I took her back 2 days later after some strong antibiotics - no change and now the vet wanted to take syringe samples - she took 4 samples and said the results would be back in 5 days and she gave her another course of antibiotics and said she would ring with the result - this cost £73.00. She actually rang me within 24hours [she must have feared the worst at this stage to get the lab to rush the results through] - all results were consistent with a normal lymph gland just doing it's job and responding to an infection "somewhere in the body" she asked me to come back in a week after the antibiotics had finished. I went back yesterday - the lump is now more round and harder but no different in size - her temp was still slightly up but that has been consistent from the first visit - again a full check and no other symptoms this cost £42- the vet is now saying surgery may be the only way to find out whats going on but that given that other than antibiotics Mabli has received no other treatment and if it was lymphatic cancer she almost certainly would be near death as it is so aggressive that without treatment the life expectancy is 4 - 8 weeks. I am really against surgery for a number of reasons - it's a big opp and not easy to perform on a whippet, the cost is around £200 and I was really hoping to mate her when she has her next season [around 2 months time] of couse should she not be 100% fit I would not, under any circumstances, do this, and finally I have a real exerience of surgery accelerating any disease.

Mabli is normal in every way - playing, eating well, bright and alert and still killing all her toys as soon as i buy them for her - i couldn't bring myself to let the vet do the surgery so I have an apointment to go back on 22nd Oct to see if there is any change once the antibiotics are out of her system.

Do you think I'm doing the right thing or if it was your precious baby would you have the surgery just in case?

Any advice would be appreciated,



Hi Lois,

I had exactly the same problem with a greyhound. He was still out in the paddocks at 13 months when the big swelling started. I took him to the vets who started talking about surgery because of a possible blocked salivary gland - apparently major surgery!

So, I took him home, gave him the antibiotics she had prescribed - no effect. After about two weeks of him looking like a bulldog, I began to massage the lump quite firmly twice a day. Within the space of three days it had almost disappeared. After a week it was completely gone and he was back to normal.

I don't know if your problem is the same, but I'd give the firm massage a try before resorting to expensive surgery.

Let us know how you get on.


p.s. He went on to become a very good race dog.
Thanks - I'll give it a try and see what happens.