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Advice Needed Please - Are Crabs Poisonous To Dogs?

Whippets Rule

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does anyone know if dead crabs on the beach are poisonous to dogs?????

Bill the beagle has eaten a couple and I need to know if he's likely to be really ill?

My OH chased him,which is the dumbest thing he could do, so Bill did his party trick of swallowing a huge dead crab as fast as he could!!!!

that dog is sooooo annoying!!!!! he was obsessed..he had to go back on his lead cos all he did was search for manky crabs to eat :x ..he smells rank and fishy!!
I don't think there's anything dangerous about crabs in particular, but any meat that's 'off' could cause an upset - though I'm constantly amazed at some of the manky things my dogs forage and never seem to suffer any ill effects. I doubt he got very much meat out of a couple of crabs anyway, so with luck he'll get away with it.

Hope all is well :luck: OH is convinced there's something in a crap that is highly toxic...he does my head in because i worry about these things (w00t)
there is an old wives tale that the 'dead mans fingers' are poisonous -these are the gills and they feel woolly in the mouth so not pleasant to eat but aren't dangerous, like pith on an orange just not tasty

two of my dogs graze their way around the estuary on our normal walk and have no ill effects apart from having death breath and interesting poo :wacko: urghh
When I lived in Portsmouth mine used to eat little green shore crabs with no ill effects!!!!!!!! When I think of all the awful things that have vanished down their throats, no point in worrying. lol
I wouldnt think Crabs would be bad for your dogs at all...unless they had gone off of course...then may make them sick...

found this on the internet for you

I don't think there are any parts to a crab that are poisonous. However, its gills and anything in its digestive track is unattractive to eat and it doesn't really taste good

All those pics of my lot running on the beach that I post ... crab fuelled, every one ;) Worst we ever get are truly stinky farts !!! Unless the crabs were a bit off, in which case the odd minor case of the trots ... but it's very unusual for the crabs to be other than freshly washed up :thumbsup:
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thanks very much everyone....i'll not worry so much now................and yes we have had the experience of the stinky crab farts (w00t) :x